Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board Notification to Fill Various Scientific Posts
Applications are invited from the Indian Nationals for various scientific posts under different institutes of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
1. Director
2. Joint Director
3. Head, Division of Quality Evaluation & Improvement
4. Head, Division of Standardization
5. Head, Division of Bacteriology & Mycology
6. Head, Division of Engineering
7. Head, Division of Pelagic Fisheries
8. Head, Division of Fishery Resources Assessment
9. Head, Division of Crop Improvement
10. Head, Division of Processing & Product Development
11. Head, Division of Quality Evaluation & Improvement
12. Head, Division of Dairy Extension, NDRI, Karnal
13. Project Coordinator
14. Principal Scientist
15. Senior Scientist
Application Fee: Crossed Demand draft of Rs 500/- (No fee for SC/ST/PH/Women candidates) drawn in favour of Secretary, ASRB, payable at New Delhi (India). For candidates in abroad the application fee with a Crossed International bank draft for Rs US $ 50 drawn in favour of Secretary, ASRB, payable at New Delhi (India).
How to apply: The eligible candidates may send their application in prescribed format along with attested copies of all required essentials and enclosures and Demand draft to the following address the Secretary, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan I, Pusa, New Delhi–110012
CLOSING DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENTISTS RECRUITMENT BOARD IS 15.11.2011 (For applications posted from abroad and in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshdweep, Minicoy and Amindivi islands, States/Union Territories in the North-Eastern Region, Ladakh Division of J & KState, Sikkim, Pangi, Sub-division of Chamba, Lahul and Spiti Districts of Himachal Pradesh, the last date for receipt of application will be 29.11.2011).
For more details about qualification, no. of post, age and application check the ASRB website
Download Notification here