Air India Air Transport Services Limited Recruitment Notification For Customer Agent And Handyman

Air India Air Transport Services Limited (AIATSL) is looking for Dynamic & Energetic Indian Nationals for filling up the vacancies of the following posts and to maintain a wait list at Goa on a fixed term contract basis, for a period of one year. Vacancies are indicative and may increase or’ decrease depending on Company’s requirement. Interested candidates, who fulfill the stipulated eligibility criteria as given on our website and those who meet with the requirements specified herein, are required to WALK-IN in person for the respective posts along with the application form duly filled in and one set of self-attested documents supporting their eligibility.


Customer Agent 07 03 11 24 45
Handyman-II (Only For Male Candidates) 01 00 13 61 75

Customer Agent:


Graduate in any discipline (minimum three years duration) from a recognised university with ability to speak English and conversant with local language and basic compute] operation.. Candidates should be conversant with the local language

Selection Procedure:

Walk-In Date: 7IH & 8m DECEMBER, 2011

Walk In Registration Time : 10.00 hours to 12.30 hours,

Venue : Gate Gourmet India Private Limited, Airport Road, Sancoale, Dabolim, Goa 403 801.

Handyman II (For Male Candidates Only):

Qualification: SSC/10TH Standard Passed. Must be able to read and understand English. Candidates should be conversant with the local language (Mandatory)

Selection Procedure:

Walk-In Date: 11th December, 2011,

Walk In Registration Time:      10.00 hours to 12.30 hours.

Venue: Tilak Maidan Complex, (Football ground) Vasco,Goa

How to apply:

Applicants meeting with the eligibility criteria are required to WALK-IN to the venue, on the date and time as indicated , alongwith the Application Form in the specified format, duly filled in Hindi or English and requisite documents


Processing and Application Fee of  300/- (Rupees Three hundred only) by means of an A/c Payee Demand Draft in favour of “Air India Air Transport Services Ltd,” Payable at Mumbai

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