APGENCO Walk-in for Medical Officers – 2014

apgencoThe ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED, invites suitable candidates for WALK – IN – INTERVIEW on 14.11.2014 at 11.00 AM in the chamber of DIRECTOR(HR&IR)/Room No.244/ A- Block/APGENCO / Vidyut Soudha/ Khairatabad/ Hyderabad for engaging FOUR Medical Officers on tenure basis for one year on a consolidated payment of Rs. 40,000/- (Rupees Forty Thousand Only) per month as remuneration. Candidates selected will have to work in the remote area hospitals of:

  1. NTTPS, Ibrahimpatnam, Krishna District.
  2. SDSTPS, Nelatur, Muthukuru Mandal, Nellore District.
  3. Machkund HE (J) Scheme, Onukudelli, Orissa State.


  1. Must have passed the MBBS degree or an equivalent qualification as entered in schedule to the Indian Medical Counsel Acts 1956, as amended from time to time.
  2. Must be a permanent registered medical practitioner within the meaning of the LAW for the time being existing in the state.
  3.  Preference shall be given to the candidates with PG qualification in any branch of medical sciences & having experience of more than 5 years.

AGE: Must not have completed 45 years as on 01.07.2014.


  1. The candidates have to produce the community certificate indicating sub­caste also.
  2. They have to produce original educational and other qualifications along with the year of passing and percentage of marks obtained.
  3.  Previous experience certificate.
  4.  A certificate as registered medical practitioner with full details.
  5. Name of the two responsible persons with their addresses from whom the antecedents can be verified.
  6. An undertaking as to the information about whether the candidate has ever been convicted or involved in criminal offence.
  7. The candidates should appear for Walk – in – interview at their expenses on 14.11.2014 at 11.00 aM in the chamber of Director(HR&IR)/ Room.No.244/ A- Block/APGENCO / Vidyut Soudha/ Khairatabad/ Hyderabad.
  8. The selected candidates are required to serve in APGENCO for a minimum period of one year on tenure basis.
  9. The vacancies are subject to variation at the time of engaging based on the necessity.
  10. The period of tenure shall be terminated on one month notice on either side.
  11. The candidates selected are eligible for rent free accommodation with water and electricity at the place of work during the tenure period.
  12.  They shall not exercise any monitory powers.
  13. They shall not claim for absorption in APGENCO at any time.

[gview file=”http://www.apgenco.gov.in/files/320.pdf” save=”1″]

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