CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development Recruitment Notification for Various Posts
Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization (CPHEEO), Ministry of Urban Development, are proposed to be filled up from amongst officers of the Central / State Governments / Union Territory Administrations / Public Sector Undertakings / Semi-Government / Autonomous / Statutory Organizations.
1. Adviser (PHEE) – 1Nos
Deputation (istc) plus Promotion
2. Joint Adviser (PHEE) – 2 Nos
Deputation (istc) plus Promotion
3. Deputy Adviser (PHE) – 1 Nos
Promotion failing which by Promotion (istc) failing both by direct recruitment
4. Assistant Adviser (PHE) -3 Nos
Direct recruitment
It is requested that the applications (in duplicate) in the enclosed proforma alongwith
complete and up-to-date Annual Confidential Reports of only those officers who could be
spared in the event of their selection, may be sent to this Ministry within sixty days from thedate of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News / Rozgar Samachar.While forwarding applications, it may be verified and certified that the particulars furnished by the officers are correct and that no disciplinary/vigilance case is pending or contemplated against the candidate. Necessary Integrity Certificate should also be furnished. Minor/Major penalties imposed on the officer, if any, during the last 10 years should also be furnished.
For more details download notification click here
[gview file=”http://www.urbanindia.nic.in/writereaddata/Circulars/436.pdf”]