Directorate of Oil Palm Research Walk-in – 2014

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Pedavegi-534 450, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh


Walk-in-Interview will be held at DOPR, Pedavegi, for the positions of Training Associate, SRFs and Contractual Persons sanctioned under various schemes.

S. No. Name of the post Number of vacancies Name of the Scheme Essential Qualifications Date of Interview
1 Training Associate One post Empowerment of stakeholders on Oil Palm Technologies Post Graduation in (Agriculture/Horticulture) specialization in Extension Education / Agronomy / Horticulture / Economics and related fields 22.07.14
Senior Research Fellow One post Use of video conferencing for Transfer of technology in Oil Palm MCA 22.07.14
Senior Research Fellow One post Multi location Evaluation of Tools and Machinery B.Tech in Agricultural / Mechanical Engineering with knowledge of computer / AutoCAD 22.07.14
Contractual Person One post -do- I.T.I. in Welder cum Fitter 22.07.14
Contractual Person One Post -do- Driving License in Lt / Heavy vehicles (Tractor) 22.07.14
Contractual Person One post Use of video conferencing for Transfer of technology in Oil Palm B. Sc in Agriculture / Horticulture 22.07.14
Contractu al Person One post Use of video conferencing for Transfer of technology in Oil Palm B.Sc in Electronics / Computers 22.07.14
Senior Research Fellow One Post Standardization of procedure for estimation of location specific water requirement in adult oil palm Post Graduation in Botany / Agriculture / Horticulture / Plant Sciences 23.07.14
Senior Research Fellow One Post Assessment of soil and leaf nutrient status in oil palm growing regions for location specific fertilizer recommendations Post Graduation in Agriculture / Chemistry / Bio-chemistry / Microbiology / Bio-technology 23.07.14
Senior Research Fellow One post Development of quality standards for planting materials in oil palm nursery Post Graduation in Botany / Agriculture / Horticulture/Plant Sciences. 31.07.14
Research Associate One post Hybrid Seed Production of Oil Palm (Seed Garden at Rajhamundry) Post graduation in Agriculture / Horticulture with specialization in Genetics & Plant Breeding / Seed Technology 31.07.14

Fellowship (consolidated): Rs. 23,000/- (Rs. 24,000/- for Ph.D. Degree holder) plus HRA as admissible for the post of Research Associate (SI.No. 11), Rs. 23,000/- plus HRA as admissible for the post of Training Associate (SI. No. 1), Rs. 16,000/- plus HRA as admissible for the post of Senior Research Fellows (SI. No. 2, 3, 8, 9 & 10), Rs. 6500/- as admissible for the post contractual persons (SI. No. 4 & 5), Rs.8000/ as admissible for the post of Contractual persons and of Contractual Person (SI.No. 6 & 7)

Place of Posting: Directorate of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi

Place of interview: Directorate of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi -534 450, Near Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, West Godavari District, Eluru, A.P.

Date and time of Walk-in Interview: 22.07.2014 (Tuesday) at 10 A.M.; 23.07.2014 (Wednesday) at 10 A.M.; 31.07.2014 (Thursday at 10 A.M.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Age should be below 35 years for men and 40 years for women as on 01st July, 2014;
  2. The applicants must bring with them original certificates and a brief of research work carried earlier alongwith one set of photocopies of various testimonials;
  3. No objection certificate from the employer in case he/she is employed elsewhere;
  4. Experience certificate, in original, if any;
  5. The post will be upto 31st March, 2015 and is likely to continue upto March, 2017. The above position is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the project;
  6. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview;
  7. Candidates are advised to report at Directorate of Oil Palm Research, Near Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Pedavegi, positively by 09.30 A.M. on the date of interview for getting their certificates/testimonials verified before they are allowed for written test/interview.

[gview file=”,SRFs&Contractual_17thJul2014.pdf” save=”1″]

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