Delhi Technological University M.Tech Admissions 2014-15

dtuGovt. of NCT of Delhi
(formerly Delhi College of Engineering)
Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042

M.Tech Admissions 2014-15

DTU is inviting applications from the eligible candidates for admission into M.Tech Program for the academic year 2014-15.

The university offers 22 M. Tech programs in various disciplines of Engineering and Technology as given below in table.

SR. No. Department Program Name
 1 Applied Chemistry 1. Polymer Technology
 2 Applied Physics 2. Nano Science & Technology
3. Nuclear Science & Engineering
 3 Bio Technology 4. Bioinformatics
5. Bio Medical Engineering
6. Industrial Bio technology
 4 Civil Engineering
  1. Geotechnical Engineering
  2. Hydraulics & Water Resources Engineering
  3. Structural Engineering
 5 Computer Engineering 10. Computer Science & Engineering
11. Software Engineering
 6 Electronics &



12. Microwave and Optical Communication* *Run jointly with Applied Physics Department
13. Signal Processing & Digital Design
14. VLSI Design and Embedded System
 7 Electrical Engineering 15. Control & Instrumentation
16. Power System
 8 Environment Engineering 17. Environmental Engineering
 9 Information Technology 18. Information System
 10 Mechanical Engineering 19. Computational Design
20. Production Engineering
21. Renewable Energy Technology
22.Thermal Engineering

Educational Qualifications and Eligibility Conditions: The candidate seeking admission in any of the 22 M. Tech Programs of the University must have a minimum CGPA of 6.75 on a 10 point scale or 60% marks in aggregate in qualifying degree from a recognised University or any other Examination recognized by the University Equivalent thereto, in addition to a valid GATE score (for Full time program). Fore detailed information, check the attached notification.

Selection Procedure: All the candidates (Full Time/Part-Time/Sponsored Full Time) seeking admission to various M. Tech programs must register online and also submit the fees online for admission as per the schedule displayed on the DTU admission website.

Registration Fees: Fee for online Registration is Rs. 1000/- to be paid online through credit/debit card/net banking at the time of registration and choice filling. The registration shall not be complete without the payment of registration fees. A convenience charge @1% plus taxes will be levied on every online registration fee payment.

Admission Fee: The annual fee for all the M. tech courses is Rs. 75000/-(Seventy five Thousand only) which is to be paid in the form of a DD drawn in favour of Registrar DTU payable at Delhi.

Important Dates

Sl. No. Activity/ Event Date
 1 Advertisement in newspapers 04.05.2014
 2 Opening of website for Online Registration and fee deposit 05.05.2014 Monday from 12:00 NOON onwards
 3 Last date for Online Registration and fee deposit 04.06.2014 Wednesday (12:00 midnight)
 4 Schedule for Full time candidates
(i) Display of qualified candidates List for1stRound on DTU Website 12.6.2014 Thursday at 5:00 pm
(ii) 1stRound admissions at DTU (Selected candidates are required to report along with original documents and bank draft for fee deposit) 19.6.2014 Thursday at 10:00 am
(iii) Submission of Freezing Forms in the department 24.6.2014 Tuesday by 5 pm
(iv) Display of qualified candidates for 2nd Round on DTU admissions website 27.6.2014 Friday at 5:00 pm
(v) 2ndRound admissions at DTU (Selected candidates are required to report along with original documents and bank draft for fee deposit) 4.7.2014 Friday at 10:00 am
(vi) Submission of Freezing Forms in the department 9.7.2014 by 5pm
(vii) Display of qualified candidates for 3 Round on DTU admissions website 11.7.2014 Friday at 5:00 pm
(viii) 3rd Round admissions at DTU (Selected candidates are required to report along with original documents and bank draft for fee deposit) 29.7.2014 Tuesday at 10:00 am
(ix) Open Round 1 (No list will be displayed) 07.08.2014 Thursday at 10 am
(x) Last date for Admission (No list will be displayed) 29.8.2014


 5 Schedule for sponsored full time and part-time candidates
(i) Release of list of Sponsored FT/Part-Time candidates eligible for written test and schedule for written test on DTU website 06.06.2014 Friday
(ii) Written Test for SFT/PT candidates 16.06.2014 11:00AM Wednesday
(iii) Display of list of Selected and Waitlisted sponsored and part-time candidates along with 1st Round Admission 17.6.2014 Thursday at 5:00 pm
(iv) 1st Round of admissions of SFT/PT candidates at DTU. The selected candidates are required to complete admission formalities and deposit the fee through bank draft in favour of Registrar, DTU. 19.6.2014 Thursday at 10:00 am
(v) Waitlisted SFT/PT candidates for admission against the vacant seats, if any. (No separate list will be displayed) 20.06.2014 Friday at 10:00 am
(vi) Last Date of Admission 29.08.2014 (Friday) at 10 am

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