Indian Oil Corporation Recruitment of Non-Executive Personnel – 2014

(Refineries Division)

  • On-line registration of application commences from 09.2014 and closes on 11.10.2014.
  • The link to the on-line registration of the application has been hosted in our
  • The Written Test/Trade Test/ Personal Interview is likely to be held in the month of November/December 2014.

Requirement of Experienced Non-Executive Personnel

Indian Oil Corporation Limited the largest commercial undertaking in India and a Fortune “Global 500” company requires bright, result oriented experienced personnel with initiative and enterprise for its Panipat Refinery Complex including integrated Paraxylene and PTA complex and Naphtha Cracker Petrochemical Complex.

On-line Applications are invited from bright, young and energetic persons of Indian Nationality for the following posts in the pay scale of Rs.11,900-32,000/-:

S. No. Name of Post (#) Code No. Likely Vacancy Qualification Area of Experience ( As on 31.10.2014) (Including Apprenticeship & training period)*
1. Junior Engineering Assistant – IV (Fire & Safety)+ 118 03 Matric plus Sub­Officers’ Course from NFSC – Nagpur or from other recognized institute with Heavy Vehicle Driving License.

Physical Standard:
Height :165 cm, Weight:50 kg, Chest: Normal- 81 cm, Expanded- 86.5 cm. Eyesight normal without glasses, free from knock knee, Flat feet, squint eyes and stammering.

Minimum one year experience of working in Fire & Safety set-up of handling fire fighting equipments, Fire water net-works, related communication systems, emergency handling, Fire Fighting, Operation of Fire Tenders/ pump house etc. in Petroleum Refinery / Petrochemical / Chemical / Fertilizer / Gas Processing / large industrial units.
2. Junior Engineering Assistant – IV (Instrumentation) 119 02 3 years Diploma in Instrumentation / Instrumentation & Electronics / Instrumentation Control. Minimum one year experience in Maintenance of modern instrumentation control systems like DCS, PLC with electronic field instrumentation, Control valve, Smart positioners, loop configuration, on line analyzers condition monitoring in modern Chemical / Petroleum Refinery / Petrochemical / Fertilizer / Power Plants / Oil & Natural Gas exploration companies / large industrial units.
3. Junior Engineering Assistant – IV (Power & Utilities – O&M) + 120 04 3 years Diploma in Electrical Engineering. Minimum One Year experience in maintenance and operation of modern electrical systems such as high, medium and low voltage electrical power distribution equipment viz. HT/LT switchgear, transformers, motors, generators, protection systems, UPS, DC systems, lighting, cabling, earthing etc. in Petroleum Refinery / Petrochemical / large industrial units.
4. Junior Engineering Assistant – IV (Power & Utilities- B&A) + 125 20 3 years Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering with 2nd class Boiler Competency Certificate.
B.Sc. (PCM)
For Diploma Holders minimum one year experience in operation/ maintenance of Industrial Boiler/Heat Recovery Steam Generator in Petroleum Refinery/Petrochemical/ large industrial units.

For candidates with B.Sc.(PCM), three years Apprenticeship training in Boiler Attendant Trade under the Apprenticeship Act.

5. Junior Engineering Assistant – IV (Power &


126 09 3 years Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. Minimum one year experience of working in DM plant, Industrial Air Compressor, Steam Turbine, Gas Turbine, Cooling Tower operation, Raw Water Treatment Plant in Petroleum Refinery/ Petrochemical /large industrial units.
6. Junior Engineering Assistant -IV (Mechanical- Fitter cum-Rigger) 121 07 3 years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Matric with ITI in Fitter Trade
Minimum one year experience for Diploma holders and two years experience for candidates with ITI qualification in maintenance of rotary equipment like Compressors, Gas /Steam turbines, Pumps etc. and Stationary equipment like Boilers, Heat Exchangers, Columns, Vessels, Piping etc., Mechanical seals/Dry gas seals, bearings (journal/anti friction), safety valves in Petroleum Refinery Petrochemical /large industrial units.
7. Junior Engineering Assistant -IV (Production) + 123 20 3 years Diploma in Chemical / Refinery & Petrochemical Engineering
B.Sc. (Maths, Physics , Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry)
Minimum One year experience in operation of Pump House, Fired Heater, Compressor, Distillation Column, Reactor, Heat exchanger etc. in Petroleum Refinery/Petrochemical/ Fertilizer/Heavy Chemical/ Gas Processing Industry.
8. **Jr. Quality Control Analyst + 124 09 B.Sc. with ChemistryOR
Minimum one year experience in handling state of the art instruments viz. HPLC, XRF, WDXRF, GC, ICAP, AAS, Auto Analyzers D-86/1160 and flash points etc. in Petroleum Refinery / Petrochemical / Gas Cracker / large industrial units.

Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and Maximum 26 years as on 31.10.2014 for post code 118 & 119. Relaxation in age by five years for SC candidates for post code 121, 123, 124, 125 & 126 and three years for OBC candidates for post code 120, 121, 123, 124, 125 & 126. Age relaxation for Ex-Servicemen (EXSM) as per Govt. directives.

Application Fee: General and OBC candidates are required to attach with on-line application a crossed Demand Draft of Rs.100/- (Rs. One hundred only) as application fee (non-refundable) in favour of INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LTD., payable at SBI Baholi, Panipat (Brach Code- 8706). No other mode of payment is acceptable.

How to Apply: Candidates meeting the above prescribed eligibility criteria may visit our website www.panipat and apply on-line between 27.09.2014 to 11.10.2014. Incomplete on-line applications or on-line applications received after the due date will be rejected.

Download the notification for complete details:
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