National Institute of Nutrition Notification for Nursing Attendant

National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad Invites applications for Direct Recruitment to the following posts from the eligible candidates arid full filling the conditions

1. Nursing Attendant (FEMALE) – 4 Posts (3 UR. 1 OBC)


10+2 with Physics, Chemistry. Malhs or Bidog y as Science subjects Or equivalent from a recognized board with one year experience in Nursing work from a reputed hospital.


18 months c0urse in ANM of MPHW of Govt of AP or equivalnet from a recoganised board with one year experience working from a reputed hospital.

Certificate of registration from the Nursing Council of the concerned state government.

Desirable: 3 Years of experience in the relevant field.

How To Apply:

Applications neatly typed written on A-4 size paper giving full personal details m the given sequence. 1) Full Name (in block letters). 2) Father’s Name, 3) Date of Birth & Age (as on 03-11-2011) 4) Address for communication & permanent address. 6) Whether belongs lo SC I ST/ OBC I PHJ UR, 6} Educational qualifications (From SSC onwards), 7) Techinical qualifications 8} Experience (if any) along with the attested copies, of necessary certilicales and affile passport size photograph duly attested should reach the Director, Nations! Institute of Nutrition (Indian Council of Medical Research), Jamal-O&mjnia P.O., Tarnaka, Hyderabad – 500 007, A.P. on or before 30th December 2011 at 4.00 p.m.

Last Date: 30.12.2011

For More details log on NIN website click here

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