National Institute of Unani Medicine Recruitment of Teaching Staff – 2014
(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)
Kottige Palya, Magadi Main Road, Bangalore – 560 091.
Eligible candidates are invited to attend a WALK-IN INTERVIEW on 05.12.2014 sharp at 10.00 AM at this Institute for the post of Professor (TST) if not available one post of Reader (TST), if not available 02 posts of lecturers (TST) and one post of Physiotherapist purely on contract basis on consolidated remuneration of as detailed below.
- Professor Rs.50,000.00 per month.
- Reader Rs.40,000.00 per month.
- Lecturer Rs.30,000.00 per month.
- Physiotherapist Rs.20,000.00 per month.
(For pensioners it is subject to Govt. of India instructions issued from time to time).
PROFESSOR – T.S.T (Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib) – Age– 50 Years.
1) Degree in Unani Medicine with 60% marks from a University established by Law or a statutory board / Faculty / Examining Body of Indian medicine included in the II schedule of IMCC Act, 1970. 2) Post Graduate qualification in Unani Medicine in the concerned discipline from a recognized University established by Law or Statutory Board / Faculty / Examining Body of Indian medicine included in the II schedule of IMCC Act, 1970.
2) Teaching experience in a recognized Institution for ten years.
3) Original published papers/books on the subject.
- Ph.D in Unani. Extensive experience in research.
- Atleast five years teaching experienced in a PG institution in the concerned subject.
- Original published work in Unani.
- Knowledge of Urdu & Hindi/ English.
READER – T.S.T (Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib) – Age below 50 years.
1) Degree in Unani Medicine with 60% marks from a University established by Law or a statutory board / Faculty / Examining Body of Indian medicine included in the II schedule of IMCC Act, 1970. 2) Post Graduate qualification in Unani Medicine in the concerned discipline from a recognized University established by Law or Statutory Board / Faculty / Examining Body of Indian medicine included in the II schedule of IMCC Act, 1970.
2) Teaching experience in a recognized Institution for five years.
3) Original published papers/books on the subject.
- At least five years teaching experience in a PG Institution in the concerned subject.
- Original published work in Unani.
- Knowledge of Urdu and Hindi/English.
LECTURER T.S.T (Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib)-02. – Age below 40 years.
Essential: 1) Degree in Unani Medicine with 60% marks from a University established by Law or Statutory board / Faculty / Examining Body of Indian medicine included in the II schedule of IMCC Act, 1970. 2) Post Graduate qualification in Unani Medicine in the concerned discipline from a recognized University established by Law or Statutory Board / Faculty / Examining Body of Indian medicine included in the II schedule of IMCC Act, 1970.
Desirable: 1. Original published work in Unani. 2. Knowledge of Urdu and Hindi / English.
Note: In case of non availability PG degree in the concerned speciality allied disciplines should be considered.
List of Allied subject: Hifzane Sehat / Ilmul Sumoom.
PHYSIOTHERAPIST – (1) on Contract Basis
Consolidated salary of Rs.20,000/- per month, age below 35 years. Essential: B.Sc (Physiotherapy) from recognized University. Desirable: Knowledge of Urdu/Hindi/English
General Instructions and Guidelines:
- Separate application form is to be submitted for each post.
- No column of application should be left blank. Strike out those columns, which are not applicable.
- The Educational qualification, age experience and other conditions of eligibility as stipulated above against the post shall be determined as on the date of interview.
- The Institute reserves the right not filling any post without assigning any reason.
- All appointments shall be made on Contractual basis. The claim for permanent employment shall not be considered.
- Candidature of applicant shall be subject to verification of testimonials at subsequent stage.
- The candidate belongs to SC/ST/OBC have to bring the caste certificate in the format only as at Annexure II &III to this Advertisement. Reservation applicable as per Govt. of India rules.
- No TA/DA shall be payable to applicant for any journey performed for attending the interview.
- Canvassing in any form shall attract disqualification.
- No enquiry in person or in writing for the above recruitment shall be entertained.
Download the notification for complete details:
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