Orissa Public Service Commission Notification For Assistant Surgeon in Junior Class-I of Orissa Medical Service Cadre

Orissa Public Service Commission (OPSC) has announced the advertisement for the Special Recruitment to the post of Assistant Surgeon in Junior Class-I of Orissa Medical Service Cadre during the year -2011-12 for Scheduled Tribe & Scheduled Caste candidates under Health & Family Welfare Department.

No Of Posts:

(i) Scheduled Tribe – 166 (55-W)
(ii) Scheduled Caste – 187 (62-W)
Total – 353 (117-W)

Age: A candidate must be under 37 years and above 21 years of age on the 1st August, 2011.

Educational Qualification:
(i) A candidate must be a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S.) from any recognized University in the Indian Union or possess equivalent qualification or be a holder of a registrable medical qualification from a recognized Medical College in United Kingdom.

(ii) After passing the final M.B.B.S. examination, where M.B.B.S. course is of 4 ½ years duration, a candidate must have successfully completed Housemanship for at least one year. But if a candidate has passed the final M.B.B.S. examination of five years course, where there is no obligatory rotating Housemanship prior to award of the M.B.B.S  degree, he/she must have completed successfully Housemanship for at least six months on or before the last date prescribed for receipt of application for the above post.

(iii) In case he/she has acquired M.B.B.S. degree from a foreign University, he/she is required to have passed the screening test conducted by the National Board of Examination as prescribed by the Medical Council of India vide Notification No.MCI- 203(9) Regn.2001, dated 13.02.2002.

(iv) A candidate before appointment will have to register himself/herself under the Orissa Medical Registration Act, 1961, if not, already registered.

How To Apply:

Application Form : Candidates are required to apply to the Secretary to the Commission in the prescribed form which, along with other particulars, are obtainable in person from the Office of the Orissa Public Service Commission, 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack- 753001 between 11.00 A.M. to 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. on any working day on cash payment of Rs.30/- (Rupees thirty) only towards Application Fee or by Speed/Registered Post on remittance of Rs.70/- (Rupees seventy) only by money order.

The candidates may also download the prescribed application form and copy of Long Advertisement from the Website of the O.P.S.C., i.e. http://opsc.nic.in. The candidates downloading the prescribed application form will be required to pay Rs.30/- towards prescribed application form only in shape of Indian Postal Order/Bank Draft/Pay Order Payable to “Secretary, Orissa Public Service Commission, Cuttack” at Cuttack

Selection Procedure: The selection of candidates for recruitment to the posts will be made on the basis of career assessment and viva voce. The Commission at their discretion may short-list the candidates to a reasonable number, for conducting interview by making a preliminary selection either on the basis of evaluation of their academic career taking into account the requisite minimum educational qualification or by conducting a preliminary written test.

Examination Fee : Candidates are exempted from payment of this fee.


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