GATE 2012

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National Coordination Board – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), and Government of India.

The overall coordination and responsibility of conducting GATE 2012 lies with Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, designated as the Organizing Institute for GATE 2012.

How to Apply

Application process for GATE 2012 is entirely ONLINE, and sale of application forms through banks / GATE office counters has been discontinued. Candidates need to register and fill the application Online only by accessing the zonal GATE websites of IITs and IISc. The application process is complete only when a print out of the filled ONLINE application with the candidate’s signature and a good quality photo affixed in the appropriate place is received by the respective GATE office along with necessary documents, if any, on or before 24 October 2011.

Apply online

New in GATE 2012:

Application Process:

In GATE 2012, candidates need to register and fill the application ONLINE only by accessing the zonal GATE websites of IISc and seven IITs. The application process is complete only when a print out of the filled ONLINE application with the candidate’s signature and a good quality photo affixed in the appropriate place is received by the respective GATE office along with necessary documents, if any, on or before 24 October 2011. Please note that sale of application forms through banks and GATE office counters has been discontinued.

Downloadable Admit Card:

Sending Admit cards by post has been discontinued from this year. Admit cards can only be downloaded from the zonal GATE websites from 2nd January 2012. Bring the admit card to the test center along with at least one original (not photocopied / scanned copy) and valid (not expired) photo identification.

Use of black ink ball point pen:

The use of pencils to darken the bubbles in the answer sheet has been discontinued from this year. Candidates should use only black ink ball point pen for darkening of the bubbles in the answer sheet. Since bubbles darkened by the black ink ball point pen cannot be erased, candidates should darken the bubbles in the answer sheet very carefully.

ONLINE examination in two additional papers:

In GATE 2011, the papers with codes GG, TF, AE and MN had ONLINE examination. In GATE 2012, two additional papers, AR and AG, will also have ONLINE examination. The ONLINE examination will be conducted in two sessions on Sunday, January 29, 2012.

Forenoon session (09:00 hrs to 12:00 hrs): AR, GG and TF.

Afternoon session (14:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs): AE, AG and MN.

Numerical answer type questions in ONLINE papers:

In the ONLINE papers (AE, AG, AR, GG, MN and TF), the question paper will consist of questions of multiple choice type and questions of numerical answer type. For multiple choice type questions, each question will have four choices for the answer. For numerical answer type questions, each question will have a number as the answer. The number of numerical answer type questions may vary between 5 and 10 in each question paper.

Pre-final year students:

Pre-final year students are not eligible to write GATE 2012.

Important Dates:

Commencement of Online Application submission Monday 12 September 2011 (00:00 Hrs)
Last date for Submission of Online Application (website closure) Monday
17 October 2011
21 October 2011  (23:00 Hrs)
Last date for the receipt of printed version of ONLINE Application at the respective zonal GATE Office Monday
24 October 2011
28 October 2011
Zonal GATE website display of final list of registered candidates, choices of test paper and examination city Friday 09 December 2011
Availability of admit card on zonal GATE websites Monday 02 January 2012
GATE 2012 Online Examination for Papers:
AR, GG and TF
Sunday 29 January 2012
(09:00 Hrs to 12:00 Hrs)
GATE 2012 Online Examination Papers:
AE, AG and MN
Sunday 29 January 2012
(14:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs)
GATE 2012 Offline Examination Papers:
BT, CE, CH, CS, ME, PH and PI
Sunday 12 February 2012
(09:00 Hrs to 12:00 Hrs)
GATE 2012 Offline Examination Papers:
CY, EC, EE, IN, MA, MT, XE and XL
Sunday 12 February 2012
(14:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs)
Announcement of results Thursday 15 March 2012
(10:00 Hrs)


Check the status of GATE application:

Please click below links to check the status of your application

Applications submitted to IIT Bombay

 Applications submitted to IIT Delhi

Applications submitted to IIT Guwathi

Applications submitted to IIT Kanpur

Applications submitted to IIT Karagpur

Applications submitted to IIT Madras

Applications submitted to IIT Roorkee

Applications submitted to IISc Bangalore

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering – GATE

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National Coordination Board – GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), and Government of India.

Admission to postgraduate programmes with MHRD and some other Government scholarships/assistantships in engineering colleges/institutes is open to those who qualify in GATE examination. Candidates with Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology/ Architecture or Master’s degree in any branch of Science/Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Applications, who qualify in GATE examination are eligible for admission to Master’s degree programmes in Engineering/Technology/ Architecture as well as for Doctoral programmes in relevant branches of Science with MHRD or other Government scholarships/assistantships. To avail the scholarship, the candidate must secure admission to such a postgraduate programme, as per the prevailing procedure of the admitting institution. However, candidates with Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology/Architecture may seek admission to relevant Doctoral programmes with scholarship/assistantship without appearing in the GATE examination.

Qualification in GATE is also a minimum requirement to apply for various fellowships awarded by many Government organizations.

Eligibility for GATE

The following categories of candidates only are eligible to appear for GATE:

a) Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/Technology/ Architecture (4 years after 10+2) and those who are in the final year of such programmes.

b) Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/Technology/Architecture (Post-B.Sc./Post-Diploma) and those who are in the final year of such programmes.

c) Master’s degree holders in any branch of Science/Mathematics/ Statistics/Computer Applications or equivalent and those who are in the final year of such programmes.

d) Candidates in the second or higher year of the Four-year Integrated Master’s degree programme (Post-B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology.

e) Candidates in the fourth or higher year of Five-year Integrated Master’s degree programme or Dual Degree programme in Engineering/Technology.

f) Candidates with qualifications obtained through examinations conducted by professional societies recognized by UPSC/AICTE (e.g. AMIE by Institute of Engineers (India); AMICE by Institute of Civil Engineers (India)) as equivalent to B.E./B.Tech. Those who have completed section A or equivalent of such professional courses are also eligible.

Examination Pattern:

The GATE examination consists of a single paper of 3 hours duration which contains 65 questions carrying a maximum of 100 marks. The question paper will consist of only objective questions.

In all papers other than AE, AG, AR, GG, MN and TF, all the questions are of multiple choice type. In AE, AG, AR, GG, MN and TF papers, the question paper will consist of questions of multiple choice type and also some questions of numerical answer type. For multiple choice type questions, each question will have four choices for the answer. For numerical answer type questions, each question will have a number as the answer.

The examination for the papers with codes AE, AG, AR, GG, MN and TF will be carried out ONLINE using computers where the candidates will be required to enter the answer for each question using mouse. For all other papers, the candidates will have to mark the correct choice on an Optical Response Sheet (ORS) by darkening the appropriate bubble against each question. There will be negative marking for each wrong answer, except for the numerical answer type questions.

GATE exam will contain questions of four different types in various papers:

  • Multiple choice questions carrying 1 or 2 marks each.
  • Common data questions, where two successive questions use the same set of input data.
  • Linked answer questions, where the answer to the first question of the pair is required in order to answer its successor.
  • Numerical answer questions, where the answer is a number, to be entered by the candidate.(for online exams papers only)

In all the papers, there will be a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks, out of which 10 questions carrying 15 marks in General Aptitude (GA) are compulsory.

In the papers bearing the codes AE, AG, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, GG, IN, ME, MN, MT, PI, TF and XE, the Engineering Mathematics will carry 15 % of the total marks, the General Aptitude section will carry 15 % of the total marks and the remaining 70 % of the total marks is devoted to the subject of the paper.

In the papers bearing the codes AR, CY, GG, MA, PH and XL, the General Aptitude section will carry 15 % of the total marks and the remaining 85 % of the total marks is devoted to the subject of the paper.

GATE Examination Papers:


Paper Title


Aerospace Engineering


Agricultural Engineering


Architecture and Planning




Civil Engineering


Chemical Engineering


Computer Science and Information Technology




Electronics and Communication Engineering


Electrical Engineering


Geology and Geophysics

Paper Title


Instrumentation Engineering




Mechanical Engineering


Mining Engineering


Metallurgical Engineering




Production and Industrial Engineering


Textile Engineering and Fibre Science


Engineering Sciences


Life Sciences

XE (Engineering Sciences) and XL (Life Sciences) papers are of general nature and will comprise of the sections listed below. A candidate appearing in XE or XL paper will be required to answer three sections apart from the General Aptitude (GA) questions. Section A is compulsory in XE paper and Section H is compulsory in XL paper. The candidate can choose any two out of the remaining sections listed against the respective papers, at the time of examination.

XE: Engineering Sciences


Title of the Section



Engineering Mathematics (Compulsory)



Fluid Mechanics



Materials Science



Solid Mechanics






Polymer Science and Engineering



Food Technology
XL: Life Sciences


Title of the Section



Chemistry (Compulsory)















Food Technology

How to Apply

Application process for GATE  is entirely ONLINE, and sale of application forms through banks / GATE office counters has been discontinued from GATE 2012. Candidates need to register and fill the application Online only by accessing the zonal GATE websites of IITs and IISc. The application process is complete only when a print out of the filled ONLINE application with the candidate’s signature and a good quality photo affixed in the appropriate place is received by the respective GATE office along with necessary documents.

Agricultural Research Service National Eligibility Test Examination-2012.

Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) will hold a competitive ARS/NET Examination – 2011 as per the following scheme where two separate examinations will be held as

( I) Prelim – ARS / NET Examination – 2011 and

(II) ARS – Main Examination – 2011.

Both the aforesaid examinations will be conducted on 12.02.2012.

NET is a qualifying examination for determining eligibility for Lecturer / Assistant Professor in the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and other Agricultural Universities (AUs). NET Certificates will be issued to the candidates by the A.S.R.B. after the screening of the eligibility of the provisionally qualified candidates to enable them to apply against vacancies to be notified or advertised by the State Agricultural Universities. SAUs/AUs will consider their eligibility through interview or any such other tests as devised for recruitment of Lecturers or Assistant Professors.


For Prelim – ARS/NET Examination:
A candidate must possess a Master’s degree or equivalent in the concerned subject with
specialization as defined in Annexure-II, on or before 1st August, 2011.
For ARS – Main Examination:
A candidate must posses a Master’s degree or equivalent in the concerned subject with
specialization as defined in Annexure-III, on or before 1st August, 2011.


The candidates seeking admission to ARS/NET Examination must pay to the Board a fee of Rs. 1,000/- (Rs. One thousand only) through a Crossed Bank Draft only, valid for six
months from the date of issue, drawn in favour of Secretary, A.S.R.B. and payable at New

Exam Pattern:

For Prelim – ARS / NET Examination

There will one question paper of 2 ½ (Two and half) hours duration consisting of 200
objective type multiple choice questions. Each question carries one mark. Out of 200 questions 50 questions shall be of General Knowledge derived from the relevant broad seven main groups of Agriculture & Allied Sciences as indicated in Annexure – II.

For ARS – Main Examination

(answer books for only those candidates who pass the Prelim ARS/NET Examination will be evaluated)
There will be one paper of 240 marks with 3 (Three) hour’s duration and the questions
from each discipline will be subjective with expectations of descriptive answers. The ARS –
Main Examination shall be conducted in the disciplines mentioned in Annexure – III.
C). Viva – Voce examination will carry 60 marks.

How To Apply:

A candidate seeking admission to the Examination must apply to the Secretary, Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, Pusa, New Delhi-110012 on the application form available on ICAR Website

Download Application form click here

Last Date:

The completed application form must reach the Secretary, Agricultural Scientists
Recruitment Board, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-I, Pusa, New Delhi-110012 by post or
delivered in person on or before 31.10.2011.

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Symbiosis National Aptitude Test

Symbiosis National Aptitude (SNAP) Test is a common and mandatory written test for the admission to all the Post-Graduate Institutes of Symbiosis International University. However, it is only the first step. In addition, a candidate has to undergo the selection process of the desired Institute to qualify for the admission to the Post-Graduate programme of that Institute.


Graduates in any discipline from statutory University with minimum of 50% marks (45% for SC/ST candidates) for all the Master of Business Administration Programme, except for the Programmes which requires graduate with specific subject specializations. These specializations are mentioned on the respective institute’s website.

How To Apply:

A student aspiring to do higher studies at Symbiosis International University needs to do the following:

Stage-1: SNAP Test

  • Register online at
  • Upload a latest scanned photograph of own at the time of SNAP Online Registration.
  • Follow the instructions for payment for Test fee of Rs. 1550/- on above website.
  • Any Changes in the online application form may be made only up to the closing date of Registration i.e., Wednesday, 23 November 2011. No change is permitted after this under any circumstances.
  • All disputes between candidate and the Symbiosis Test Secretariat shall be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of Pune city and by Arbitrator only.
  • Download and print “Admit Card” through the SNAP website. [] From Tuesday, 6 December 2011 till Sunday, 18 December 2011.
  • Admit Card along with Photo Identity proof should be carried to the Test Centre at the time of test.
  • (Candidates should note that authenticated Admit Card is an important document without which the candidate will not be permitted to appear for further selection processes of the institutes. If Admit card is lost, no duplicate Admit Card will be issued. It should be preserved till admission process is over).

SNAP Score will remain valid for admission to all Post Graduate Programmes of Symbiosis International University for the academic year.

Important Dates:

Registration Closes on November 23, 2011 – Wednesday
Payment Closes on November 25, 2011 – Friday
SNAP Test 2011 December 18, 2011 – Sunday
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Announcement of Result January 12, 2012 – Thursday

Test Structure:

  • SNAP/SIMC-(MMC)/SIG (M. Sc- Geoinformatics) Test duration is 120 minutes.
  • SNAP/SIMC-(MMC)/SIG (M. Sc- Geoinformatics) Test is an objective test. Each question has 4 responses. Candidate should choose an appropriate response.
  • Candidate must use Blue or Black ball point pen only.
  • Each wrong answer attracts 25% negative marks.
  • SNAP Test Structure is as follows,
    SNAP Test Date : December 18 , 2011
    SNAP Test Time : 2:00 PM. To 4:00 PM.

SNAP Test Structure

Sr.No. Section Total Marks
1. General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability 40
2. Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency 40
3. General Awareness: General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Business Scenario 40
4. Analytical & Logical Reasoning 60
Total 180

SIMC – MMC-(For Pune campus only) Details are as follow,
Test Date : December 18 , 2011
Test Time : 2:00 PM. To 4:00 PM.

Sr.No. Section Total Marks
1. General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability 40
2. Media & Culture 40
3. Current affairs and Contemporary issues 40
4. Analytical & Logical Reasoning 60
Total 180

SIG – M. Sc (Geoinformatics) Details are as follow,
Test Date: December 18, 2011
Test Time: 2:00 PM. To 4:00 PM.

Sr.No. Section Total Marks
1. General Studies: General Science, General Geography, Current Affairs and General Knowledge 70
2. General English: Reading Comprehension, Grammar and vocabulary 50
3. Logical Reasoning 30
Total 150

For more details click here

Nirma Univeristy

Nirma University, a modern temple of learning where quality education is more than a philosophy, it is the very essence of its existence.”

Nirma University of Science and Technology is an autonomous university located in Ahmedabad, India. It functions under the aegis of Nirma Education and Research Foundation (NERF).

Nirma Education and Research Foundation (NERF) is the outcome of one of the philanthropic pursuits of Dr. Karsanbhai K. Patel, the legendary business personality who inspires aspiring entrepreneurs all over the country. NERF was established with an objective of providing world class education with a focus on professional areas like engineering, management, pharmacy, etc. Functioning with the mission of developing students as excellent professionals as well as good citizens, the foundation has been rated high by national and international institutions, persons and organizations.

The Nirma University offers admission to various courses under different Institutes under the university.

More details about the courses under respective institutes is as under:

Institute of Techology





Institute of Diploma Studies

Institute of Pharmacy



B.Pharm.(NRI Category)

Institute of Law

LL.M. (Business Law)

Ph.D. Programme in Law

Institute of Science



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