Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam recruitment of Faculty and Non-Teaching Staff – 2018

(Women’s University), Tirupati – 517 502

Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, will conduct Interviews in the departments mentioned below, in the Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao Bhavan of the University for temporary appointment of (i) Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors (Senior/Junior) in the School of Engineering & Technology; (ii) Associate Professor, Assistant Professors, Clinical Instructor/Lecturers, Tutors in the College of Nursing; (iii) Assistant Professor/Academic Consultants in various Departments of Social Sciences & Sciences and (iv) Technical Assistants / Systems Operators/Media Production Specialist, on contract basis for the academic year 2018-19.

The eligible candidates must submit their application along with the Demand Draft to the University, through post/courier only on or before 21-05-2018, by downloading the application from the University Website. The candidates who do not submit their application by post on or before 21-05-2018, will not be considered for interview. The candidates compulsorily should possess the prescribed qualification as on the date for submission of application. The candidates who apply without having prescribed qualifications will not be allowed for interview. Further, Registration fee of Rs.500/- should be paid through Demand Draft drawn in favour of “The Registrar, SPMVV” payable at Tirupati. The candidates are required to bring a copy of their complete bio-data along with original Marks lists, Provisional Certificate / Degree certificate, Caste Certificate and Testimonials if any, at the time of interview. Preference will be given to women and also candidates having teaching/research experience. All the candidates who submit their application by 21-05-2018 and possess the prescribed qualifications, can attend the interview at the scheduled time, by arriving at least one hour before, for verification of certificates. No TA/DA will be paid. The University reserves the right to fill nor not to fill any or all of the above posts and to relax specializations, if necessary. The interview schedule will be placed in the University website on 25-05-2018.

The list of departments in which interviews are going to be conducted is as follows:

S. No. Name of the Department S. No. Name of the Department
1. Applied Mathematics 8. Pharmacy
2. Biochemistry 9. Physics
3. Biotechnology 10. Statistics
4. Botany 11. Zoology
5. Computer Science 12. Business Management/ Management Science
6. Home Science 13. Commerce
(i) Fashion Technology and Apparel Designing 14. Education
(ii) Nutrition and Healthcare Sciences 15. English
(iii) Integrated Food Technology 16. Physical Education
(iv) Human Development & Family Studies 17. Telugu
7. Organic Chemistry 18. Media Production Specialist
S. No. Name of the Department
19. School of Engineering and Technology
Computer Science Engineering (CSE) : Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor (Senior),

Assistant Professor, Systems Operator

Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE): Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

(Senior), Assistant Professor, Technical Assistant

Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE) : Associate Professor, Assistant Professor (Senior),

Assistant Professor, Technical Assistant

Mechanical Engineering (ME) : Associate Professor, Assistant Professor (Senior), Assistant Professor,

Technical Assistant

20. College of Nursing: Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Clinical Instructor/Lecturer, Tutor

General Qualifications, experience and other conditions for Academic Consultant:

  1. Good academic record with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is applicable) at the Master’s Degree level in the relevant subject.
  2. A relaxation of 5% is provided at the graduate and master’s level for the SC/ST/Differently-abled categories.
  3. Preference will be given to the candidates having
  1. D/NET/SET/SLET/M.Phil
  2. teaching experience

Note: Retired faculty are not eligible to apply for the said Posts.

Download the notification for complete details:
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Application Form:
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