Institute of Nephro Urology Invites Applications for Tutors, Asst Professors and Professors

Institute of Nephro-Urology is a premier organization promoting Health Care Services in the field of Nephrology and Urology. It is an autonomous body of the Government of Karnataka, registered under Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960 as “Institute of Nephro-Urology”, Karnataka on 19.01.2004 and it is aided by Government of Karnataka, since 2005. It is a non-profit organization located in the campus of Victoria Hospital, Bangalore.

Institute of Nephro-Urology, Victoria Hospital Campus Bangalore invites applications from eligibile candidates for the following posts:

Professor of Nephrology

Professor of Anaesthesilogy

Asst Professor of Nephrology

Asst Professor of  Urology

Asst Professor of Radiology

Tutor in Nephrology

Tutor in Radiology

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