AP State Police Recruitment 2012: Notification for Trainee Assistant Sub Inspector and Sub Inspectors in Technical Branch

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment to the following posts. The number of vacancies indicated is only provisional and is liable to alteration.

Sl. No.

Post Code No.

Name of the post 

No. of vacancies*



Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Sub Inspectors of Police  (Communications)




Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Sub Inspector of Police (Men) in Police Transport Organisation




Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Assistant Sub Inspector of Police in Finger Print Bureau


Eligibility Conditions:

Age Limit:

Must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 25 years as on 1st July, 2011 i.e., must have been born not earlier than 2nd July, 1986 and not later than 1st July, 1990

Minimum Educational Qualification:

 i) For post code no. 31 : The candidate must hold, as on 1st July, 2011, a Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering OR Electrical and Electronics Engineering OR Computer Engineering OR Information Technology OR Special Diploma Course in Electronics with specialisation in Computer Engineering OR Special Diploma Course in Electronics with specialisation in Communication Engineering awarded by the A.P. State Board of Technical Education and Training (OR) a qualification approved by the Government of Andhra Pradesh as equivalent to any of the above.

ii)  For post code no. 32 : The candidate must hold, as on 1st July, 2011, a Diploma in Electrical Engineering OR Mechanical Engineering OR Automobile Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Education, Andhra Pradesh (OR) a qualification approved by the Government of Andhra Pradesh as equivalent to any of the above.

iii) For post code no. 33 : The candidate must hold, as on 1st July, 2011, a degree with Computer Science OR Computer Application OR Information Technology as one of the subjects awarded by any university in India, established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, Provisional Act of State or of any institution recognized by the University Grants Commission.

Application forms:     Candidates must apply in the Application Form devised by the Board for the examination, which can be downloaded from website www.apstatepolice.org in the recruitment folder.

Last Date For Receipt Of Applications:   Eligible candidates should submit the duly filled in application form along with the copies of the necessary certificates at any of the places mentioned below on any working day from 01-02-2012 to 15-03-2012 in between 10.00 hours and 13.00 hours. The candidates should appear and submit the application in person and should not send their applications either by post or through their nominee.

Selection Procedure/Scheme: –   The Selection Procedure/Scheme of the Exam will be as follows:

 A) Preliminary Selection Test:

Men:   Candidates will have to run three (3) kms within 20 minutes

Women:  Candidates will have to run 2.5 kms within 20 minutes

Physical Efficiency Test (PET) : The candidates qualified in the above preliminary selection test and who possess the minimum physical standards will be required to undergoPET

Written Examination:

For post code nos. 31, 32 and 33: Candidates who qualify in the Physical Efficiency Test will be required to appear for a written examination in five papers

Selection:  The final selection will be strictly on relative merit of the candidates in each category, as obtained by them based on their score in the written examination out of a maximum of 400 marks (papers III, IV and V).

Click here to download application form and detailed notification