Stree Nidhi Credit Cooperative Federation Ltd Recruitment – 2014

ap_gov_logoStree Nidhi Credit Cooperative Federation ltd.
Department of Rural Development
Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
Room No. 304 & 301, 3rd Floor, Summit Apartments, Hill fort Road
Adarsh Nagar, Hyderabad- 500 004.

Recruitment of Deputy General Managers, Assistant General Managers, Managers and Asst. Managers in ‘STREE NIDHI’


Stree Nidhi Credit Cooperative Federation Ltd is a A.P. Government partnered Society, registered under A.P. Cooperative Act,1964 with its registered office located in Hyderabad. Stree Nidhi has started its business operations w.e.f. 06.10.2011. Stree Nidhi is looking for talented, qualified professionals and experienced VRS/Retired Banking Professionals, project FTEs in level 3, 4 & 5 cadre of SERP and Employees of similar Cadres of MEPMA and others from MF sector who have requisite experience for appointing on contract basis for the following positions. Though few vacancies exist at Head office, all the positions are subject to the entire State of Andhra Pradesh comprising 13 districts and the Management reserves the right of transferring any of it’s employees to any of the Districts in Andhra Pradesh.

1. Deputy General Manager- Fund Management and Accounts -(1 Post) Code No.1
2. Deputy General Manager – Credit (1- Post)- code No.2
3. Deputy General Manager- (Financial inclusion and I.T) – Code No.3
4. Deputy General Manager – Monitoring (1- Post)- Code No4
5. Assistant General Manager – (6-Posts)-Code No.5
6. Manager – Monitoring (2-Posts) -Code No.6
7. Manager – Institution Monitoring (2-Posts) – Code No.7
8. Manager -Accounts (1-Post)-Code No.8
9. Manager-IT (1 Post) Code No.9
10. Asst.Managers-26 (Two positions in each Districts of A.P.State) Code No.10
11. Computer Operator/Administrative Assistant-1 Code No.11

AGE. QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE (As on 31.08.2014): Check the attached notification.


Sl. No Designation Salary
1 Deputy General Managers Consolidated Salary of Rs.35000/- per month
2 Assistant General Managers Consolidated Salary of Rs.25000/- per month
3 Managers Consolidated Salary of Rs.20000/- per month
4 Assistant Managers Consolidated Salary of Rs.10000/- per month
5 Computer Operator / Administrative Assistant Consolidated Salary of Rs.12000/- per month

i. The eligible candidates subject to a maximum of 1:5 will be called for personal interview and decision of Stree Nidhi in this regard shall be final.
ii. Stree Nidhi being a govt. partnered organization, roaster system will be followed.
iii. Those selected for the above posts have to join within 30 days from the date of issue of selection letter.

SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION: Eligible candidates have to submit their curriculum vitae. Last date of receipt of application is 13.09.2014. No applications shall be entertained after the stipulated date. Incomplete applications will be rejected.

Address the application, Super scribing “Application for the post of Deputy General Manager, Assistant General Manger and Manager (Specify post and code)/Assistant Manager/computer Operator as the case may be to “Managing Director” Stree Nidhi Credit Cooperative Federation Ltd. and submit to the following address:

Stree Nidhi Credit Coopeartive Federation Ltd,
Room No.304 & 301, 3rd Floor, – Summit Apartments
Hill Fort Road, Adarshnagar,
Hyderabad-500 004

Those intend to send the curriculum vitae through e-mail, may send the same to or

Download the notification and application form:
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Central Warehousing Corporation Recruitment of Managerial Posts – 2014

4/1, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016

Central Warehousing Corporation, a Schedule-A Mini-Ratna Public Sector Undertaking, providing Warehousing Facilities and Logistic support to Agriculture sector and other Notified commodities, invites applications from Indian Nationals, who fulfill the prescribed qualification, experience and age etc. for the posts indicated below:

Post Code Name of the post Number of Vacancies Scale of Pay (IDA) (Rs.) Gross Emoluments On date (Minimum Pay + DA) (Rs/month) Maximum Age Limit
01 General Manager (General) 02 (UR) 43200-66000 81389/- 45 Years*
02 General Manager (F&A) 01 (UR) 43200-66000 81389/- 45 Years*
03 Dy. General Manager (General) 02 (1-UR, 1-SC) 32900-58000 61984/- 45 Years*
04 Dy. General Manager (F&A) 01 (UR) 32900-58000 61984/- 45 Years*
05 Asstt. General Manager(General) 03 – (2-UR, 1-OBC) 24900-50500 46912/- 40 Years*
06 Asstt. General Manager(Accounts) 03 – (2-UR, 1-OBC) 24900-50500 46912/- 40 Years*
07 Asstt. General Manager(Technical) 03 (UR) 24900-50500 46912/- 40 Years*
08 Manager (General) 10 – (1-ST (Backlog), 1-SC, 3-OBC (2 OBC vacancy is backlog vacancy), 5-UR) 20600-46500 38810/- 40 Years*
09 Manager(Accounts) 5 – (2-OBC (1 OBC vacancy is backlog vacancy), 1-SC (Backlog) & 2-UR) 20600-46500 38810/- 40 Years*

*Age Relaxation and Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PH as per Government Guidelines

Departmental candidates will be entitled to age relaxation subject to the condition that as on last date of receipt of application, the applicant should have atleast 5 years of service left.

QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE: Check the attached notification for complete details.

Employees of the State/Central Govt./Public Sector Undertaking should get their application routed through proper channel so as to reach Central Warehousing Corporation, “ Warehousing Bhawan” 4/1, Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 110016 on or before the last date prescribed (The last date of receipt of application is 05.08.2014.

UR/OBC applicants shall submit their application along with the nonrefundable application fee of Rs.500/-(Rs. Five hundred only) through demand draft drawn in favour of “Central Warehousing Corporation” payable at New Delhi. No fee for SC/ST/PH Candidates (Cheques and IPO’s will not be accepted).

Neatly handwritten, preferably typed application as given in prescribed Proforma on A4 size paper should be sent to the General Manager (Personnel), Central Warehousing Corporation, “Warehousing Bhawan” 4/1, Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016 on or before 05.08.2014 superscribing on the envelop for the post applied for.

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