CDFD, Hyderabad Direct Recruitment Notification For Various Posts in Technical and Administrative Cadre

The Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad is a premier autonomous R&D Institute under the Societies Act funded by the Department ol Biotechnology. Ministry of Science and Technology. Government of India that has been established to provide services and to undertake R & D in DNA Fingerprinting. DNA Diagnosis and other areas of modem biology.

CDFD wishes to fill up under mentioned vacancies undef Direct Recruitment basis in various Administrative / Technical Cadres of which Code No. 03 is for COE – II and Code Nos. 01, 02 and 04 are for Core cadre of CDFD

COE – II is Centre of Excellence project sanctioned to the CDFD of five years duration, which is likely to be extended thereafter.

1. TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (Engg) (I Post for Core, OBC, Code No.01)

Age limit: between 18-30 years

2. TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (Scientific Services) (1 Post for Core, UR,Code No. 02)

Age limit: between 18-30yea’s

3. TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (Administrative Services) 1 Post for COE-II. Unreserved, cooe No 3)

Age limit: between 18-30years

4. JUNIOR ASSISTANT -I (Administrative Services) (1 post for Core. ST. Code No. 04)

Age limit: between 18-30 years

The Application Form and the General Conditions governing the advertisement may be downloaded from the CDFD website Alternatively, blank application forms and General Conditions can also be obtained by sending a self addressed stamped envelope from O/o  the Head -Administration, CDFD. Office Block: 2nd floor, Block No. 7.Gruhakalpa Complex. M J Road, Nampaly.Hyderalad- 500001 –

For detailed advertisement check  the Employment News dated 05-11-2011. The last date for receiving filled in applications is 4 weeks from the date of publication in the Employment News i.e. (5-12.2011 .)

Click here to  download  notification

Check CDFD website for application form