CEFIPRA Recruitment of Manager – 2014

cefipraIndo-French Centre for the promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA) invites applications for the post of Manager (Admin. & Accounts) to be appointed on deputation/ contractual basis.

Emoluments: Govt of India pay scale In the Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay of Rs. 6600. The final emoluments will be fixed commensurate to the qualification and experience of the candidate.

Qualifications: A Masters degree is a basic essential qualification for the position.

Desirable: Management related or a Professional Accounting Degree like CA/ICWA qualifications.

Experience: A minimum of 10 years of experience in administrative capacity of Government of India departments(s)/ Govt Autonomous bodies / PSU / Private companies.

Age Limit: Maximum age limit up to 55 years for serving officers and 62 years for suitable retired officers.

For further details to apply please visit www.cefipra.org.

Last date of receipt of completed applications is September 10th 2014.