Symed Labs walk-in for Chemists, Microbiologists and Executives – 2017

Plot No. 25/B, Phase – III, IDA, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad.
(Second right from the Jeedimetla Bus Depot. Lane)

A leading Bulk Drug manufacturer, received prestigious certificates like USFDA, WHO, EU GMP and ISO 9001-2000 plant based at Hyderabad and Nalgonda is looking for the suitable candidates

R&D (Sr. Chemists)
Experience: The Candidates should have M.Sc.. with 5 8 Years of Relevant Experience of A R&D in Bulk Drug Industry

R&D (Trainee Chemists)
Qualification The Candidates should be M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) Passed out

Quality Control (Jr.Chemists, Sr.Chemists & Executives)
Experience: The Candidates should have M.Sc.. with 2-8 years of Relevant Experience of Bulk Drug industry

Micro Biology (Jr.Micro Biologists. & Sr.Micro Biologists)
Experience: The Candidates should have M.Sc.. with 2-5 years of Relevant Experience of Bulk Drug industry

EHS (Jr. Executives & Sr. Executives)
Experience The Candidates should have Diploma or Graduates or Post Graduates, with 2-5 Years of Relevant Experience of Bulk Drug industry

MEE (Jr. Executives & Sr. Executives)
Experience: The Candidates should have Diploma or Graduates or Post Graduates, with 2-5 Years of Relevant Experience of any Chemical Industry

Interested Candidates can walk in for an Interview with Relevant Certificates and Passport size Photo on 29-12-2017 between 10.00 am to 02.00 pm at the above address.

MRPL Recruitment of Non-Management Cadre – 2016

Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited
(A Subsidiary of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited)
Kuthethoor Post, Mangalore – 575030
CIN: L85110KA1988GOI 008959
Ph: 0824 – 288 2179/2144/2183 Fax: 0824-2271404

Advertisement No. 65/2016 Last Date for receipt of Applications: 20/05/2016


Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), a subsidiary of ONGC and a Schedule ‘A’ Mini Ratna CPSE, is focused on growth and efficiency. The company is recognized today as the leading refinery in India in terms of all round performance, having won many awards for Energy conservation, Safety, Quality, Exports etc.

MRPL seeks applications from eligible candidates for the following Non-management position:.

Sl. No Position Grade Scale of pay (Rs.) No. of posts & category / disability Maximum age as on 31/05/16 Minimum essential educational qualification and work experience
1 Junior Officer – OL Implementation

Location: Mangalore

JM3 13800­ – 38500 1 OBC 38 years Master’s degree in Hindi/English with English/Hindi as a main subject at Graduation level or Master’s degree in any subject with Hindi and English as main subjects at Graduation level.
Master’s degree in any subject with Hindi/English medium and English/Hindi as a main subject at Graduation level.
Master’s degree in Hindi/English or in any subject with Hindi/English medium with English/Hindi as main subject or a medium of examination at Graduation level.
Bachelor’s degree with Hindi and English as main subjects or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as main subject plus recognized PG Diploma course in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa.The candidates should have minimum eight years post qualification experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central Govt./State Govt./PSU or eight years of post-qualification teaching experience in relevant field.
2 Junior Hindi Translator

Location: Mangalore

JM3 13800­ – 38500 1 SC 38 years Master’s degree in Hindi/English with English/Hindi as a main subject at Graduation level or Master’s degree in any subject with Hindi and English as main subjects at Graduation level.
Master’s degree in any subject with Hindi/English medium and English/Hindi as a main subject at Graduation level.
Master’s degree in Hindi/English or in any subject with Hindi/English medium with English/Hindi as main subject or a medium of examination at Graduation level.
Bachelor’s degree with Hindi and English as main subjects or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as main subject plus recognized PG Diploma course in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa.The candidates should have minimum eight years post qualification experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central Govt./State Govt./PSU or eight years of post-qualification teaching experience in relevant field.
3 Trainee Assistant (Hindi)

Location: Mangalore

JM5 11900­ – 32900 1 UR (reserved for VH(LOW VISION) CATEGORY 28 years Graduate degree with Hindi/English as a compulsory or elective/optional subject.
Graduate degree in any discipline in Hindi medium and English as a subject. ORGraduate degree in any discipline (except graduate degree in Engineering) with Hindi Praveen/Ratna/Visharad degree course in Hindi from Voluntary Hindi Institute recognized by Government of India(Candidates possessing PG degrees like MBA, MCA, MSW, M.Tech need not apply).
4 Junior Chemist Trainee

Location: Mangalore

TS5 11900­ – 32900 1 SC 28 years B.Sc (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) with minimum 40% percentage marks in aggregate.

UR – Un-reserved, SC-Scheduled Caste, OBC – Other Backward Class (Non creamy layer), OL – Official Language

Positions at Sl. Nos. 1, 2 above is also identified as suitable for Persons with Disabilities (VH(LOW VISION)/OH/HH).

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Candidates are requested to read the web advertisement carefully and should satisfy themselves about meeting the eligibility criteria before applying for the said positions.

  • The cutoff date for deciding the maximum permissible age and experience (wherever applicable) as per eligibility criteria shall be the last day of the month subsequent to the month in which the advertisement is issued that is 31/05/2016 . Experience shown must be the minimum relevant experience for the function, after obtaining necessary qualification (post qualification work experience) including ‘On the Job’ training period. In order to compute post qualification work experience, the period of work experience starting from the month immediately succeeding the month and year of final examination in which the candidate acquires the minimum essential educational qualification shall be considered. Percentage of marks should be aggregate of all years/semesters i.e., total marks obtained over total maximum marks of all years/semesters without giving any weightage to any particular year/semester.
  • Wherever specific relevant experience has been prescribed, please note that applications not fulfilling this specific criterion will not be considered.
  • Candidates belonging to General category must have 60% aggregate in the qualifying examination, whereas candidates belonging to SC/OBC shall have 40% marks in aggregate.
  • Age Relaxation: SC – 5 years, OBC (Non-creamy layer) – 3 years Ex-Servicemen (EXSM) – as per Govt. directives.
  • Age relaxation for candidates belonging to Persons with Disability (PwD) category having minimum 40% disability: 10 (ten) years relaxation in addition to the relaxation applicable to SC/OBC mentioned above
  • Note: The age relaxation for SC/OBC category is applicable only where the respective post is reserved for SC/OBC. The age relaxation for PwD category is applicable across all the posts.
  • The candidates selected in JM5/TS5 grade shall be placed under training for a period of two years. On successful completion of two year training period they will be placed as Junior Chemist/Assistant(Hindi) on probation for a period of one year. During the period of training they shall receive basic pay in the corresponding scale of pay, applicable DA and perquisites @ 49 % of basic pay.
  • The application form shall be duly filled in legible handwriting or typed and the
  • candidate shall ensure that all the fields are filled properly. The self attested copies of all educational qualifications mentioned in the application form have to be attached.

SELECTION PROCESS: Selection process shall consist of Written Test. The candidates will have to qualify written test for selection.

HOW TO APPLY: Candidates are requested to read the instructions and ensure correctness of the data before applying. The envelope containing the application should be super scribed with position applied for, and send by post/courier to the Sr. Manager (HR-Recruitment), Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd., Post Kuthethur, Mangalore – 575030, on or before 20/05/2016. Candidates belonging to General and OBC category must pay an application fee of ‘ 350/- (Rupees Three hundred and fifty only) in favour of Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd., Account No. 00000010981274266 (IFSC Code SBIN0000871) by downloading the challan format enclosed with the Advertisement in the company’s Website( in any branch of State Bank of India. However, Bank Commission charges shall be paid by those who make payment through challan. SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Servicemen are exempted from paying application fee. Candidates forwarding applications which are not as per the prescribed format and without application fee, as given in the web advertisement, will be rejected. Documents sent by Email or hand delivery will not be considered.

Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 20/05/2016.

Download the official notification in PDF form for complete details:
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Covalent Laboratories Recruitment – 2014

covalentCOVALENT LABORATORIES PVT LTD, an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & WHO-GMP certified API company requires following personnel at factory situated near Sangareddy, Medak (Dt), Telangana State. Requirement for CO-GEN THERMAL POWER PLANT with safety knowledge of Men & Machinery.

ASSISTANT MANAGER (QA): B.Sc /M.Sc with 6 to 8 years experience in QA Department of any Bulk Drug Manufacturing
Companies of repute, facing both Customer and Statutory Audits, etc.

CHEMIST / EXECUTIVE (QA): B.Sc / M.Sc with 3 or 5 years experience in QA Department of any Bulk Drug Manufacturing Companies of repute. Freshers will be considered as Trainees.

EXECUTIVE / SENIOR EXECUTIVE (QC): B.Sc. or M.Sc (Chemistry) with 4 to 7 years hands on experience in Stability Study, Method Validation by HPLC ana G.C, Handling of Waters Empower Software, Shimadzu LC Solutions, GMP and related documentation in Bulk Drug Manufacturing Companies of repute. Fresh B.Sc (Chemistry) will be considered as trainees.

MANAGER (DOCUMENTATION): Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / B.Tech (Mechanical Engg.) with 8 to 10 years experience in Documentation, co-ordinate with QA, HVAC and other related Engineering works. Preference would be given for the candidates who are dynamic and can handle independently.

MANAGER (ELECTRICAL) FOR CO-GEN THERMAL POWER PLANT: BE/DME, Electrical with 10/15 years Hands on experience in Projects & O&M, Power, Control, Protections & Synchronization, etc. of all related equipment & conversant with Instrumentation.

TR. CHEMIST / CHEMIST (PRODUCTION): B.Sc with 2-3 yrs experience in Bulk Drug Manufacturing companies of repute to attend in Shifts. Fresh B.Scs will be considered as Trainees. Relaxation in Qualification will be considered in exceptionally experienced and deserving candidates.

EXECUTIVES (SAFETY): B.Sc Degree with Diploma in Industrial Safety (Recognized by Govt.) with 3-5 Years relevant experience in Safety in any Bulk Drug Manufacturing companies of repute.

EXECUTIVES (ENVIRONMENT): B .Sc / M.Sc (Environment) / B.Tech. (Environment) with 2 to 5 years experience in environmental control conversant with Biological waste water treatment and R.O water recovery (ecology).

ASSISTANT (PRODUCTION): Inter pass or fail with Science subject with two years experience in any Bulk Drug Industry of repute to work in Production Department, in shifts. Freshers will be considered as Trainees.

EXECUTIVE / SR. EXECUTIVE (ENGINEERING PURCHASE): Diploma / Graduate Preferably engineering with about 5 to 8 years experience in Capital purchase for Chemical / Bulk Drug Industry.

Preference would be given for the candidates with experience in FDA and/or GMP certified bulk drug manufacturing companies of repute. Salary commensurate with qualification and experience. Interested candidates may please apply or email their resumes within seven days to:

HR-Factory: H.O:# 8-3-677/18, 2nd Floor, S.K.D.Nagar, Yellareddyguda, Hyderabad – 73
Ph: 040-49483252. E-Mail:

Bihar Museum Society Recruitment of Various Posts – 2014

Government of Bihar
Department of Art, culture & Youth
Bihar Museum Society, Patna
An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Art. Culture & Youth, Govt. of Bihar
(Registered under Societies Registration Act, 21, 1860)

Advertisement for appointment

Bihar Museum Society, Patna, an autonomous organization under the Department of Art, Culture and Youth, Government of Bihar, invites applications for appointment on the different posts in Bihar Museum, Patna. The list of Post and details pertaining to them, as-number of posts, scale of pay, reservation category, are as follows –


Sl. No. Name of Post No.

of posts

Scale of pay Category of post
General (unreserved) EBC (Extremely Backward Caste) SC (Schedule Caste)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Additional Director (Antiquity/Collection; Research & Publication ) 02 15600-39100 7600 01 01
2. Deputy Director (Research) 01 15600-39100, 6600 01
3. Deputy Director (Marketing & Public Relation) 01 15600-39100
4. Manager (IT) 01 15600-39100
5. Manager (Exhibition & Production) 01 9300-34800
6. Curator (i. Archaeology, ii. History) 02 9300-34800
01 01
7. Manager (Human Resource) 01 9300-34800
8. Manager (Facility) 01 9300-34800
9. Senior Chemist 01 9300-34800
10. Accountants Officer 01 9300-34800
11. Chief of Security 01 9300-34800
12. Accountant 01 9300-34800
13. PA to Director / Additional director (Administration) / Additional director (Antiquity) / Additional director (Research & Publication) 03 9300-34800
02 01
14. Librarian 01 9300-34800


15. Coordinator (Children & Family Programme) 01 9300-34800


16. Coordinator (Visitor Services) 01 5200-20200



Qualification, Experience, Conditions, How to apply and other details along with the Application Format can be seen on Notice Board of website: –

Applications in the prescribed format strictly along with self-attested copies of all certificates and testimonials must reach on following address on or before 31st October, 2014.

Download the Notification for complete details:
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