CRIDA, Hyderabad Requires RAs & SRFs – 2014

CRIDACentral Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
Santoshnagar, Saidabad PO, Hyderabad – 500059

Walk-in Interview for Research Associates/Senior Research Fellows

Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad requires Research Associates and Senior Research Fellows to work in the project ‘National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture'(NICRA) on contractual basis, as per details given below.

Position Qualifications Emoluments per month
Research Associate (RA)

Three vacancies

Master’s Degree in any of the following subjects with First Division or 60% marks or equivalent overall grade point average with at least two years of post-qualification research experience.

  • Soil and Water Conservation Engineering / Water Resource Engineering/ Water Management Desirable: Working knowledge in GIS with hydrologic modeling particularly in SWAT, along with publications
  • Agronomy / Soil Science/ Horticulture
Rs. 23,000/- plus 30% HRA
Doctoral Degree in any of the subjects mentioned above Rs. 24,000/- plus30% HRA



Three vacancies

Master’s Degree in any one of the subjects mentioned below.

  • Soil and Water Conservation Engineering / Water Resource Engineering/ Water Management. Desirable: Working knowledge in GIS with hydrologic modeling particularly in SWAT, along with publications
  • Bioinformatics. Desirable: Specialization in computational genomics, knowledge in NGS, protein sequence analysis and functional predication, modeling pathway and metabolic pathway reconstruction
  • Entomology / Zoology / Any other allied discipline. Desirable:Working knowledge in computer applications
Rs. 16,000/- plus 30% HRA for 1st and 2nd year

Rs. 18,000/- plus 30% HRA for 3rd year

Age limit is 40 years for men and 45 years for women. Eligible candidates may attend a walk-in interview on Thursday, May 15, 2014 at IGH, CRIDA campus, Santoshnagar, Hyderabad – 500 059. The candidates should bring their filled-in application in the prescribed format (attached) along with original and attested copies of documents related to age, qualifications, experience, etc.Applicants should report at 0930 hrs for screening of applications at IGH, CRIDA campus. No application form shall be made available at the venue of walk-in-interview. The positions are purely temporary and the appointment shall be co-terminus with the project. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

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