KVK, Adilabad Recruitment of Various Posts – 2014

Phone: 08732-220458 Mobile: 9989623829
Email: kvkadilabad@vahoo.co.in

Sub: KVK, Adilabad – Temporary Recruitment of Research Associates, Farm Manager and Demonstration Assistant – Notification – Request for display – Regarding

Ref: Memo.No. 1619/Extn/A3/2014 Dt.24.06.2014 of Director of Extension ANGRAU, HYD


It is to inform that a walk in interview will be conducted for the recruitment of following temporary posts on contractual basis at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Adilabad.

Name of the Post Required Qualification No. of posts Required experience Remuneration
Research Associate (Plant Protection) M.Sc. (Ag) Entomology / Plant Pathology Age: Below 35 years 1 Post Desirable:
1) Knowledge in Extension experience, Farm Management
2) Computer knowledge
3) Telugu Speaking & Writing Essential
Consolidate d pay of 23000+ HRA
Farm Manager B.Sc. (Ag)/Bsc(Horti/Bsc(Home science)
Age: Below 35 years
1 Post Desirable:
1) Knowledge in Farm activities and Labour Management
2) Computer knowledge.
3) Telugu Speaking & Writing preferable.
Consolidate d pay of 13500 + HRA
Demonstration Assistant Agricultural Graduate / Diploma in Seed Technology Polytechnic / Diploma in Agricultural Polytechnic / Crop Production & Management Vocational Course Age: Below 25 years 1 Post Desirable:
1) Experience in Seed Production and Data recording.
2) Knowledge in Farm activities and Labour Management.
3) Computer knowledge.
4) Telugu Speaking & Writing preferable.
Consolidate d pay of 5000/-

Note: The posts (RA and Farm Manager) are purely remporary and consolidated basis initially for a period of 11 months only at the first instance and extendable as per need and based on the performance of the individual while Demonstration Assistant post on temperary basis upto March, 2015.

Interviews for the above posts will be conducted at the O/o Programme Coordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Adilabad on 09.07.2014 at 10.00 AM.

Candidates with prescribed qualifications and willing to work for a minimum period of two years can attend the interview along with original certificates and two sets of attested copies on the above date. No TA/DA will be given for candidates appearing for interview. The above posts are purely temporary and on consolidated pay as specified above.

[gview file=”http://www.angrau.ac.in/media/26803/kvk-adb-recruitment%202014-15.pdf” save=”1″]