DRDO CHESS engagement of Research Personnel – 2024

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Missile Complex
Government of India, Ministry of Defence
Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
Rci Campus, Vignyanakancha P.O, Hyderabad – 500 069.
Tele: 040 – 2430 1515, Fax: 040 2430 287
Email ID: hrd.chess@gov.in

Online applications are invited from young, meritorious and motivated individuals of Indian Nationals, who are having inclination towards research in cutting edge technology for defence application, for the selection and appointment of 02* (Two) Research Associate (RA) on temporary basis for a period of TWO years. Also applications are invited for the post of 06* (Six) Junior Research Fellows (JRF) on temporary basis, initially for a period of TWO years (extendable by another 01 year as SAF). The requirements are in the following discipline(s) as tabulated below:

Vacancies for Research Associate (RA):

Sl. No. Discipline Vacancies*
1. Physics / Applied Optics 01
2. Instrumentation/ Electronics 01

Vacancies for Junior Research Fellow (JRF):

Sl. No. Discipline Vacancies*
1. Mechanical Engineering 02
2. Electronics Engineering 01
3. Physics / Applied Optics 01
4. Chemical Engineering/ Chemistry 01
5. Computer Science 01

Last date for submitting applications online: 30 days from date of advertisement.

For further details & updates, please visit https://www.drdo.gov.in/

*Vacancies may vary.