ICAR-IIOR walk-in for Research Professionals – 2024

ICAR – Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030, Telangana State, India
Phone 040-24598208 Website: https://icar-iior.org.in/
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute

F.No.5-55/DBT/Saff/Estt. Date:02.01.2024


Eligible candidates are invited to attend Walk-in Interview to fill up the (purely) temporary posts of Research Associate (One), Junior Research Fellow (Three) and Project Assistant (One) under DBT sponsored project: “Exploiting Genetic Diversity for Improvement of Safflower through Genomics Assisted Discovery of QTLs/Genes Associated with Agronomic Traits” under a mission mode programme of “Minor Oilseeds of Indian Origin” to be held on 24.01.2024 at 11.00 AM at ICAR – Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The tenure of the position or post is up to 31.03.2024 or till conclusion of the project. The requirement and other terms and conditions are as under:

Name of the post Essential Qualifications Desirable qualifications Emoluments
Research Associate (One) Ph.D. in Plant Genetics / Plant Breeding / Plant Biotechnology / Plant Molecular Biology / Life Sciences / Plant physiology / Plant Pathology / Agri. Entomology / Agri. Microbiology / Bio Informatics / Bio Chemistry / Botany Demonstrated skill on handling of genome data for marker discovery, QTL analysis and other related bioinformatics tools. Rs. 54,000/- + 24% HRA as applicable Per month
Junior Research Fellow (Three) M.Sc. in Plant genetics / Plant Breeding / Plant Biotechnology / Plant Molecular Biology / Biochemistry / Plant Physiology / Plant Pathology / Entomology / Life Sciences / Agronomy / Seed Science & Technology / Botany / Bioinformatics /Microbiology.

NET qualified.

Rs. 31,000/- + 24% HRA / month for 1st & 2nd year: Rs. 35,000 + 24% HRA / month from 3rd year onwards
Project Assistant (One) B.Sc. (Agriculture)/B.Sc. in Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Botany/Biochemistry / Bioinformatics / Microbiology. Rs. 20,000 + 24% HRA/month

Terms and conditions:

1. Place of posting is ICAR-IIOR, Hyderabad. Work place may be at any place in Telangana.

2. The above position is purely temporary on contractual basis which is likely to be extended till the conclusion of the project, based on satisfactory performance of the  incumbent, or until further orders whichever is earlier. There is no provision of re-engagement after termination of the project. The selected candidate shall not claim for regular appointment at this institute as the post is co-terminus with the project.

3. Age limit as on 02.01.2024: Minimum of 21 years and maximum age limit is 35 years for men and 45 years for women as per rules. For Project Assistant posts, the age limit is 18-26 years. Relaxation in upper age is permissible in case of SC / ST / OBC / PH candidates as per Govt. of India Rules applicable to the external funded project.

4. No TA / DA and official accommodation will be provided for appearing in the walk-in interview. Selected candidates have to make their own arrangement to stay at the place of work.

5. Candidates are requested to carry all original relevant documents / certificates along with set of attested photocopies, Photograph and duly filled in application form on the date of interview. They may attend the interview only if they fulfill the essential as well as the desired qualifications.

6. Candidates may register their candidature from 9.30 am to 10.30 am only on 24.01.2024.

7. The decision of the Director, IIOR, Hyderabad will be final and binding in all aspects.

Refer to official notification for full details.

[gview file=”https://icar-iior.org.in/sites/default/files/iior/jobs/2024-01/dbt-safflower.pdf” save=”1″]

Central Plantation Crops Research Institute Walk-in for JRFs – 2015

Tel.: 04994- 232893, 94, 95 (Off.) / Fax: 04994-232322 / 232570
Email: cao.cpri@gmail.com / Website: www.cpcri.gov.in
No.F. 4(164)Rice leaf/2014 -Estt.              Date: 09.03.2015


A walk-in interview (including a written test) for selection of Junior Research Fellow under various Schemes/Projects shall be held at CPCRI, Kudlu PO, Kasaragod, Kerala – 671 124 on 28.03.2015 at 10 AM as detailed below:

  1. JRF (one position) under : “Development of forewarning model using regression and simulation approach for management of rice leaf folder, Cnaphalocrosis medinalis Guence (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae)
  2. JRF (one position ) & Field Assistants (2 positions) under: “Enhancing the economic viability of coconut based land use system for land use planning in Kerala State
1 Name of the Post Junior Research Fellow (one position )
2 Place of work CPCRI, Kasaragod
3 Educational Qualifications



M.Sc. with specialization in Entomology/Zoology/Life Sciences.

Research experience in the field of entomology and field work. Net qualification

4. Duration For a period upto 20.11.2016
5. Upper Age limit 35 years for men and 40 years for women as on the date of interview (Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC candidates) as per rules.
6. Remuneration Rs. 12,000/- per month + 10% HRA for the I & II year and Rs. 14,000/- + 10%HRA for the 3rd year


II Name of the Post Junior Research Fellow (one position)
1 Place of work CPCRI, Kasaragod
2 Educational Qualifications



M.Sc. (Ag.) in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry/M.Sc. Chemistsry/M.Sc.Biochemistry

1 .Experience in Analysis of soil and plant samples for physico chemical and biological properties.

2. Proficiency in the use of computers(MS Office)

3 Nature of work Collection and analysis of soil and leaf samples from the project field, tabulation of data
4. Duration For a period of 3 years or upto closure of the scheme whichever is earlier
5. Upper Age limit 30 years for men and 35years for women as on the date of interview (Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC candidates as per rules.)
6. Remuneration Rs.12,000/- per month + 10% HRA

Field Assistants (2 positions)

1. Qualification Essential: Diploma in Agriculture/BSc. Chemistry/BSc. Biochemistry
Desirable: Proficiency in the use of computers (MS Office)
2. Nature of work Lay out of field experiments, collection and processing of leaf and soil samples, Socio economic survey and PRA
3. Place of work CPCRI, Kasaragod
4. Duration For a period of 3 years or up to closure of the scheme whichever is earlier
5. Upper Age limit 30 years for men and 35years for women as on the date of interview (Relaxable to SC/ST/OBC candidates) as per rules.
6. Remuneration: Rs.8000/- per month + 10% HRA.

The candidates fulfilling the above eligibility criteria may attend the walk-in-interview at CPCRI, Kasaragod on the dates mentioned above. The candidates should be present in the venue of the Interview at 8:30 am on the date of Interview. Late comers shall not be allowed to take the interview. They should bring with them, their bio – data and original certificates in proof of age, caste, educational qualifications, experience etc. Those who do not furnish the Original or Provisional Certificate of the Degree course will not be allowed to appear for the written test/ interview.

No TA will be paid for the journey for attending the interview.

Directorate of Poultry Research Recruitment of Project Assistant – 2014

(ISO 9001: 2008 Certified)
(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030
Website: wwvv.pdonpoultry.org

F.No.1-132/2012-13-Estt./DST-KSRR            Date: 07-08-2014.


Walk-in interview will be held at this Directorate for the below temporary and co-terminus basis posts under the DST-OYS-Scheme Project entitled “Expression profiling of cytokines and chemokines: Scope for augmenting general immune competence in chicken” “for the period up to December, 2015.

Project Assistant 1 (one) Essential: First Class M.Sc. / Biotechnology), First Class B.Tech (Biotechnology/Genetic Engineering), First Class M.V.Sc. (Biotechnology).

Desirable: Min. of 3-6 months training in biotechnology (Real time PCR experiments) research evident through reports/publications.

Monthly Salary Rs.8,000/- consolidated (fixed)
Date of Interview 09-09-2014

Age Limit: 28 years as on the date of walk-in interview. Relaxation of age admissible for SC/ST & OBC candidates as per Govt, of India/ICAR norms

The Candidates should bring a copy of bio-data, original certificates, one set of photocopies of Certificates, Experience certificates if any, NOC from the employer, if employed and a latest passport size Photograph at the time of interview.

The above positions are purely temporary and coterminous with the Project. No T.A. / D.A. will be paid to any candidate to attend the interview.

Candidates may register their candidature from 9:30 to 11:00 A.M. only on the date of interview.

The Project Director’s decision will be final and binding on all aspects.

Download the notification:
[gview file=”http://www.pdonpoultry.org/pdpnew/images/extfiles/orders/rc090914.pdf” save=”1″]