Indian Institute of Millets Research notification for SRF – 2020

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Eligible and interested candidates are invited for a walk-in-interview to be held at the campus of ICAR – Indian Institute of Millets Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030 on 21/01/2020 at 10:00 A.M for recruitment of Senior Research Fellow at IIMR as per the details given below.

S. No. Name of the Project Qualification Emoluments @ PM Project duration
Senior Research Fellow (One position) “Farmer-led extension strategy for enhancing farmers’ income through millets-based farming system in hilly and tribal areas” under ICAR-NASF Essential:
M. Sc. in Agricultural Extension / Extension Education / Home Science Extension / Agricultural Economics with 4 years of Bachelor’s degree.NET qualification is must for candidates having 2 years post­graduate degree with 3 years Bachelor’s degree in Basic Sciences with 2 years of research experience in relevant field.Desirable:
Experience in conducting field survey, field extension work, training, have knowledge of computer, data analysis using statistical software, writing research articles, organizing extension programmes, demonstration in farmer’s fields, field data collection, extension activities, willingness to travel and work in rural area
Rs. 31,000/- per month + HRA for 1st & 2nd year, and Rs.35,000/- per month + HRA for 3rd year from February, 2020 to November, 2022

Terms & Conditions:
1. The above posts are purely temporary and on contractual basis.
2. The candidates shall submit applications at the time of interview in the proforma enclosed along with a passport size photograph and a set of self attested copies of requisite mark-sheet, certificates and supporting documents.
3. The candidates have to produce all the original certificates at the time of interview for verification
4. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
5. The age limit of the above position is 35 years for men and 40 years for women. The relaxation in upper age limit is permissible in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates as per rules.
6. The selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointment / absorption in ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad or funding agency at the end of the project.
7. Report for registration from 10:00 A.M to 10: 30 A.M on the date of interview
8. The decision of the Director, IIMR is final and binding in all respects.
9. Canvassing in any form will lead to cancellation of candidature.
10. The selected candidate should have to join from 1st February, 2020.
11. Those candidates who are already working in any project/scheme/organization, should bring “No Objection Certificate” from his present employer.
12. The experience will be counted in the relevant field after acquiring the basic minimum qualifications as per ICAR OM No. Agril Edn.6/27/2014-HRD dated 14th July, 2015, OM No. Agril Edn.6/27/2014-HRD dated 9th October, 2015 of the council and OM No. SR/S9/Z- 09/2018 of DST dated 30th January, 2019.
13. The candidate intending to attend the interview, if any near or distant relative of the candidate is an employee of the ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad, the candidate has to declare his/her name, designation, nature of duties, relationship in writing so as to reach Dr. Rajendra R. Chapke, Principal Scientist (Agriculture Extension) & PI, ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad ( at least one day before of the interview date. If such declaration is furnished on the date of interview and found that his/her relative is an employee of ICAR- IIMR, Hyderabad such candidate will not be allowed for interview.
14. The Ph. D degree holders are also eligible for SRF.
15. For further details please visit to our website:
Download the Notification along with application form:
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