Kolkata Port Trust Recruitment of 3 Trainee Dock Pilots – 2014

kolkata_port_trustKolkata Port Trust intends to engage 3 Trainee Dock Pilots under Marine Department at Kolkata Dock System on contract basis on following terms and conditions:-
i) The engagement will be on contractual basis for a period of 3 (three) years, out of which the first year will be on training and on expiry of the said period of 3 years, the contractual engagement will be automatically terminated. However on expiry of contract, KoPT reserve the right to enter into a fresh contract for such period and on such terms and conditions, as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties.
ii) The selected candidates must possess Degree of B.Sc. (Nautical Science) or 2nd Mates (FG) Certificate.
iii) Candidate should not exceed 35 years of age as on 1.8.2014.
iv) The selected candidates will be paid a fixed consolidated remuneration of Rs.25,000/- per month during the period of training. Upon successful completion of training and assuming independent charge the monthly consolidated remuneration will be Rs.35,000/-. In addition, uniform and work related marine allowances, as applicable to regular Dock Pilots will be paid.
v) The selected candidates will be required to execute a Bond in prescribed proforma on non-judicial Stamp paper of Rs.50/- with the undertaking to serve the Port at least for 2 years after completion of training, failing which they will have to refund KoPT a sum equivalent to 12 months remuneration to be last drawn, together with the cost of training as may be determined by the appropriate authority.
vi) The selected candidates will be deployed at Kolkata Dock System or at any other place depending on operational requirement of KoPT.
vii) The selected candidates may avail of KoPT accommodation (unfurnished) on payment of license fee / rent as applicable. Electricity charges for the said quarters may be borne by them.
viii) The selected candidates will be entitled to reimbursement of the rental charges against residential telephone.
ix) The actual period of duty would be in a 8 hours shift duty for 26 days in a month. One day weekly day-of rest will be granted. However, in exigency of work they may also be booked on weekly off days for which additional compensatory off day would be allowed.
x) The selected candidates would be entitled to 15 days leave, which may be availed of with prior approval. For any unauthorized absence in excess of 15 days, pro-rata deduction will be made from your consolidated remuneration.
xi) Additionally, the selected candidates will be entitled to 10 days sick leave on illness without any deduction from the remuneration on the basis of certification from KoPT Medical Officer, intimation of sickness should be reported to the Head of the Department / Reporting Officer forthwith in writing together with the certification of illness from a Registered Medical Practitioner in addition to verbal intimation over phone.
xii) The selected candidates will be entitled to Indoor & Outdoor Medical Facilities as are available in KoPT Hospital for self only. However, no reimbursement for medicine/medical articles purchased from outside, diagnostic test done outside or treatment received outside will be allowed.
xiii) The selected candidates will have to report to the Dock Master under Harbour Master (Port).
xiv) The selected candidates will be entitled to medical benefits as available in KoPT Hospital for injury sustained due to accident in course of and out of employment.
xv) The selected candidates will be responsible for the charge and care of KoPT’s money, goods and stores and all other property that may be entrusted on them and would be accountable for the same.
xvi) The contractual engagement may also be terminated by giving one month’s notice from either side. However, the engagement is terminable on 24 hour’s notice for unsatisfactory performance and for any act considered to be derogatory /detrimental to the interest of the KoPT.
xvii) The selected candidates’ office will normally be at the office of Dock Master, 4, Garden Reach Road, Kolkata-23 and report to the Dock Master under Harbour Master (Port). .
xviii) The selected candidates’ engagement would be subject to clearance of the Police Verification Certificate from Local Police Station.

Mode of Application: Application in plain paper furnishing detailed Bio-data including name, date of birth, permanent address, mobile & residential telephone Nos., address for communication, nationality, educational and professional qualification, experience and any other relevant information with 2 recent passport sized photographs should be submitted in sealed envelop superscribing “Application for the post of Trainee Dock Pilot on contract under Marine Department at Kolkata Dock System” to Director, Marine Department, Kolkata Port Trust, 15,Strand Road, Kolkata- 700001. Photocopies of educational and professional qualification certificates, age proof certificate should be enclosed.

Last date of receipt of application is 19 September, 2014.

[gview file=”http://www.kolkataporttrust.gov.in/job_dock_pilot_190814.pdf” save=”1″]