Kerala Gramin Bank Recruitment of Various Posts – 2015

kerala_gramin_bankKERALA GRAMIN BANK
Head Office KGB Towers, A.K Road
Malappuram, Kerala-676505
Ph: 0483-2733508
Recruitment Cell Human Resources Wing

Kerala Gramin Bank invites online applications, for the post of Officer in Middle Management Grade (Scale III), Officer in Middle Management Grade (Scale II), Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from Indian citizens who have been declared qualified at the Online CWE-III for RRBs conducted by IBPS during September/ October 2014.

Opening date for Online Registration 01.09.2015
Last Date for Online Registration 15.09.2015


Sr. No. Post SC ST OBC GEN TOTAL Out of Which
PWD (Out of W ich) EXS
1 Officer Scale-III 3 3] 1 7 15 26 Nil Nil Nil NA
2 Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer) 17 9# 31 59 116 1 1 1 NA
3 Officer Scale-II (IT) 3 1 6 15 25 Nil Nil Nil NA
4 Officer Scale-II (CA) Nil Nil Nil 2 2 Nil Nil Nil NA
5 Officer Scale-II (Law) 1 Nil 2 7 10 Nil Nil Nil NA
6 Officer Scale-II (Agricultural Officer) 3 1 6 15 25 Nil Nil Nil NA
7 Officer Scale-I 29 42$ 52 101 224 1 2 2 NA
8 Office Assistant (Multipurpose) 20 4@ 55 128 207 2 2 2 29*

*- Ex-servicemen-20, Disabled Ex-servicemen/Dependants of Ex-servicemen killed in action-09
$- Including 28 backlog vacancies.
#- Including 1 backlog vacancy.
@-Including 2 backlog vacancies.

NOTE: The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank .


Post Scale of Pay
Office Scale III 42020-1310(5)-48570-1460(2)-51490.
Officer Scale II 31705-1145(1)-32850-1310(10)-45950.
Officer Scale I 23700-980(7)-30560-1145(2)-32850-1310(7)-42020.
Office Assistant(MP) 11765-655(3)-13730-815(3)-16175-980(4)-20095-1145(7) – 28110-2120(1)-30230-1310(1)-31540.


Post Approximate Emoluments per Month inclusive DA and HRA at Current Rate
Office Scale III At present, the total starting emoluments are approximately ‘64600/- per month inclusive of DA and HRA at the current rate.
Officer Scale II At present, the total starting emoluments are approximately ‘48800/- per month inclusive of DA and HRA at the current rate.
Officer Scale I At present, the total starting emoluments are approximately ‘36400/- per month inclusive of DA and HRA at the current rate.
Office Assistant(MP) At present, the total starting emoluments are approximately ‘18100/- per month inclusive of DA and HRA at the current rate.

Note: Other Allowances and perquisites will be admissible as per the rules of the Bank.

PROBATION PERIOD: Selected candidates will be on probation as follows:

Officer Scale I,II & III Two years
Office Assistant(MP) One Year

Note: It is clarified that Persons with Disabilities will have to work in Branches/Offices which have posts identified by the Bank as suitable for them.

Candidates belonging to Reserved Category, including Persons with Disabilities, for which no reservation has been announced, are free to apply for vacancies announced for Unreserved category provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria laid down for Unreserved category.

The number of vacancies in UR category and also the number of reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to actual requirements of the Bank.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Eligibility Criteria is to be considered as per RRBs CWE-III advertisement published in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar Issue Dated 28th June-4th July, 2014 released by IBPS and posted on the IBPS’s website

Age (As on 01.06.2014):

For Officer Scale- III – Above 21 years – Below 40 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 03.06.1974 and later than 31.05.1993 (both dates inclusive).

For Officer Scale- II – Above 21 years – Below 32 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 03.06.1982 and later than 31.05.1993 (both dates inclusive).

For Officer Scale- I– Above 18 years – Below 28 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 03.06.1986 and later than 31.05.1996 (both dates inclusive).

For Office Assistant (Multipurpose) – Between 18 years and 28 years i.e. candidates should have not been born earlier than 02.06.1986 and later than 01.06.1996 (both dates inclusive).

Candidates who have been declared qualified in the RRBs-Online CWE-III conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 should have obtained the desired score mentioned in the attached notification.

Candidates are required to apply online through Bank’s website No other means/ mode of application will be accepted.

Download the below attached PDF for complete details:
[gview file=”” save=”1″]

Paschim Banga Gramin Bank Recruitment of Officers & Assistants – 2015

Head Office
Natabar Paul Road, Chatterjee Para More
TIKIAPARA, Howrah -711 101
Phone: 2667 9650; Fox: 2667 9589

Paschim Banga Gramin Bank invites applications from Indian citizens, for the post of Officer in Senior Management Grade (Scale III), Middle Management Grade (Scale II), Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from Indian citizens who have appeared at the Common Written Examination (CWE_III) for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September /October 2014 and declared qualified.

Beginning date of Payment of Application Fees 30.07.2015 to 13.08.2015
Opening date for Online Registration 30.07.2015
Last Date for Online Registration 13.08.2015


Sr. No. Post SC ST OB C General TOTAL Out of Which
PWD (Out of Which) EXS
1 Officer Scale-III 1 1
2 a) Officer Scale-II (Treasury Officer) 1 1
b) Officer Scale-II (General Banking ) 3 2 6 10 21
3 Officer Scale-I 3 1 1 5 10
4 Office Assistant (Multipurpose) 11 3 21 35 70

NOTE: The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies are provisiona may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Eligibility Criteria is to be considered as per RRBs CWE-III Advertisement published in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar Issue Dated 28th June-4th July, 2014 released by IBPS and posted on the IBPS’s website

*Language Proficiency – The candidates applying for the posts of Officer Scale I and Office Assistants -(Multipurpose) are required to possess proficiency in the local language of the State / UT (The condition does not apply for the posts of Officer Scale II and III). For ensuring proficiency in local language, the candidate should have –
a. Local language at 10th Std level (Bengali)
b. Native language at 10th Std level
c. Local language at any level upto graduation level

Candidates who have been declared qualified in the RRBs-Online CWE conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 should have obtained the scores mentioned in the attached notification.



  • 20/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates.
  • 100/- for all others

Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

  • 20/- for SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates.
  • 100/- for all others

Requisite Application Fee may be paid through CBS at any of the Branches of Paschim Banga Gramin Ban kby means of a Payment challan (as applicable to them for the post applied for) available in the Bank’s website

HOW TO APPLY: Candidates are required to apply online through Bank’s website No other means/ mode of application will be accepted.

Read notification for complete details:
[gview file=”” save=”1″]

Deccan Grameena Bank Recruitment of Officers & Office Assistants – 2014

(Sponsored by State Bank of Hyderabad)
Head Office: #2-1 -520, 2nd Floor, Vijaya Sri Sai Celestia

St. No.9, Shankermuth Road, Nallakunta, Hyderabad- 500 044 (Telangana)


Online applications are invited for the following posts from the Indian Citizens who got minimum stipulated marks in Common Written Examination-II (CWE-II), conducted by IBPS in September/October, 2013.

Opening date for online registration: 03.09.2014
Last date for online registration: 19.09.2014

  • Officer MMGS-III- 04 posts
  • Officer MMGS-II – 22 posts
  • Officer JMGS-I – 61 posts
  • Office Assistant – 111 posts

For eligibility criteria and other details please see

(1) RRBs CWE-II Advertisement published in Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar issue dated 06.07.2013 to 12.07.2013
(2) IBPS’s website and
(3) our website

For Clarifications, if any, contact: 040 27600849, 9491041909, 9491041997,9491041986.

Ashoka Buildcon Ltd. Recruitment for Bihar – 2014

ashokaAshoka Buildcon Ltd.
Regd. Office: Ashoka Buildcon Ltd
Ashoka House. Ashoka Marg, Ashoka Nagar. Nashik – 422 011. (MH)

Career opportunities with us are open in Power & Energy Division for Project worth Rs. 867 Crs. in Bihar State

701. Manager / Sr. Manager / General Manager: BEE / DEE with 15-25 years of experience in handling electrical project related to Execution / Transmission / Distribution etc.

702. Site Supervisor / Site Engineer / Sr. Engineer: BEE / DEE with 4-10 years of experience in Electrical Distribution or related projects. Positions are for Planning. Execution, Measurement & Billing.

703. Accountant / Manager (Commercial): A commerce graduate with 2-10 years of relevant experience in site accounting related to all the matter of Accounts dept, including liasioning. banking etc.

704. Storekeeper / Officer / Executive / Assist. Manager (Stores): A graduate in any discipline with relevant experience of 3-7 years in Power Sector with good knowledge of ERP system & computer.

705. Assistant / Officer / Executive (Purchase): Graduate / Post Graduate in any discipline with minimum experience of 2-4 years in Power Sector. Responsible for supply chain management, handling purchase related activities. Inventory control, coordinating with site incharge & stores, electrical products & approval etc.

706. Assistant / Officer / Executive (HR & Admin): Graduate / Post Graduate with relevant experience of 2-6 years in Human Resource & Administration Dept.

707. Supervisor / Security Officer: Graduate. Ex-Servicemen responsible for controlling security operations, provide MIS to corporate on security alerts etc.

Please forward your Resumes to:, within 7 days of this advertisement. For more details please visit our website:

Note – Candidates who are interested for other Profiles can also forward their resumes on above email id.

UAE Exchange Recruitment for Branches in Mumbai – 2014

UAE_ExchangeUAE Exchange is a leader in financial services in India. For the past 15 years we are a vibrant and growing establishment offering an excellent work environment backed by a strong network of 335 branches and over 3500 employees across India.

Applications are invited for our Branches at Mumbai (Andheri, Bandra, Borivali, Chembur, Dombivali, Fort, Kalyan, Powai, Malad, Mira Road, Thane, Vashi) Nagpur & Aurangabad.


Male graduates aged below 30 years with minimum 3 years experience in sales and business development can apply. Preference given for candidates with experience in heading a profit centre related to Forex & Travel industry.

For Officers: Freshers & Females can also apply.

Interested candidates may please forward their resumes to Email ID: