CPRI Research Fellowship Program – 2015

(A Govt. of India Society, Ministry of Power)
Prof.Sir C.V.Raman Road, Sadashivanagar P.O.
PB No.8066, BANGALORE – 560 080



Applications are invited from candidates to assist project investigators in the in-house R&D programmes, electrical product evaluation activities and collaborative research projects of national importance. Candidates will have to work towards Ph.D / M.Sc., (Engg) by research at “CPRI Research Centre”, under Visvesvaraya Technological University-VTU, Belgaum, Karnataka or any other centrally-funded/state-funded institute, in the following research areas.

Sl No Areas of Research Location
1 Electrical & Electronics (Material Science & Engg.) Bangalore / Hyderabad
2 Mechanical / Thermal Engg. Bangalore / Nagpur
3 Civil / Structural Engg. Bangalore

Mode of Selection: CPRI will shortlist the candidates for admission to M.Sc (Engg)./ Ph.D on merit, based on average percentage of marks obtained in all semesters in the qualifying examination(Graduate/Post-graduate in Engg.) , GATE / UGC NET score and marks obtained in personal interview. Shortlisted candidates should apply to VTU or any other centrally-funded/state-funded institute through “CPRI Research Centre” for M.Sc (Engg) / Ph.D. Candidates who are successful in the entrance examination & interview and approved to pursue M.Sc (Engg) / Ph.D by research in such institutes as mentioned above is eligible for Award of “CPRI Research Fellowship”.


  • 20,000/- for M.Sc. (Engg.)
  • 30,000/- for Ph.D in Engg.
  • The Fellowship shall be provided for a period of three (3) years, extendable by one (1) more year and would be incremented by 10% every year.

For details regarding examination, rules & regulations, entrance examination etc., please visit www.vtu.ac.in or the website of the concerned institute.

List of broad areas with locations are indicated in CPRI website. The candidates may indicate their preferred research areas and locations. Initially all students will be accommodated at CPRI, Bangalore, till the completion of course work and then posted to respective locations.

Last date for receipt of application is 24th June 2015.

For details please visit: http://www.cpri.in

Download the notification for complete details: http://www.cpri.in/download.php?file3=JRF_SRF_16-06-2015.pdf

Indian Agricultural Research Institute walk-in for SRFs – 2015

iariDivision of Plant Pathology
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012

F.No: 21-25                                                                            Dated: 25-05-2015

Subject: – Recruitment of SRF under the ICAR funded project entitled “ICAR Network Project on Transgenics in Crops: Cotton”

I intend to engage two SRFs in the above mentioned project. Detailed qualification, duration of project and pay scale etc are given below:

Post and No. of post Essential Qualification Desirable Duration of period Pay (Rs.)
Two SRFs M.Sc. in Biotechnology / Botany / Plant molecular biology Very good academic record with knowledge of Plant molecular biology virus research, and desirable experience in advance molecular biology with plant tissue culture and plant transformation techniques in recognized laboratory with NET/GATE qualified. Non- NET/GATE qualified candidates with excellent academic record with desirable experience in above mentioned subject can also appear in the interview. Initially one year, and then continued on performance As per ICAR rules & guidelines

The walk-in interview will be held on 16th June, 2015 at 10.00 am at Plant Virology Unit, Division of Plant Pathology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012

Age limit is maximum of 35 years/relaxable as per rules for SC/ST/OBC and women candidates. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

The above positions will be on purely temporary basis and is co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for a period of 1 year. The selected candidate shall not claim any regular appointment at this institute or at ICAR at the end of contract. The competent authority will have the right to terminate the appointment at any time without assigning any reason/ notice.

PI: Dr. K. K. Biswas, Principal Scientist, Division of Pl. Pathology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012, Email: drkkbiswas@yahoo.co.in

Interested candidate must report by 9.30 A.M. on the designated date and venue as mentioned above with original testimonials in support of their qualification/ experience.

Download the notification in PDF form:
[gview file=”http://www.iari.res.in/files/SRF_PPatho-25052015-20150525-122740.pdf” save=”1″]

Central Pollution Control Board Recruitment of SRF & JRF – 2014

cpcbCentral Pollution Control Board (CPCB) is proposing to recruit Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Junior Research Fellow (JRF) on contractual basis under the project entitled “Pollution Inventorization, Assessment and Surveillance (P1AS) on Ganga River Basin” under National Ganga River Basin Program.

Post: Senior Research Fellow (S.R.F)
Vacancy: 30 (Subject to change without notice)
Mode of appointment: On contractual basis
Monthly emoluments: Rs.14,000/- + HRA +Medical Benefits (as per the MoEF OM.No. 2- 25/2007-RE dated 4th February, 2008 )
Age Limit: 32 years (as on closing date of advertisement) and 5 years relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/Person with disability (PWD) and for Women candidates
Educational Qualification: M.Sc in Chemistry /Applied Chemistry /Botany /Zoology/Life Science/Bio Sciences/Microbiology OR B.E/B.Tech in Environmental Engineering, Public Health Engineering. Experience Required: Two Years in the field of environmental Sciences/Water Pollution Control/Design Of Waste Water Treatment Plants/River Water Quality Monitoring, Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plants, Analysis Of Sewage And Industrial Samples For Physicochemical Parameter And Bacteriological Parameter/Assessment Of Industrial Pollution And Its Control
Mode of Selection: Written test/Interview for the Short listing candidates
Place of Posting: At any office of CPCB at Delhi, Lucknow & Kolkata or anywhere in India.
Last date of receipt of complete application: 29.08.2014

Post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
Vacancy: 25 (Subject to change without notice)
Mode of Appointment: On contractual basis
Monthly Emoluments: Rs.12,000/ + HRA + Medical Benefits as per OM.No. 2-25/2007- RE dated 4th February, 2008
Age Limit: 28 years (as on closing date of advertisement) and 5 years relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/ Person with disability (PWD) and for Women candidates
Educational Qualification: M.Sc in Chemistry /Applied Chemistry /Life Science & allied group/Bio Sciences/Microbiology OR B.E/B.Tech in Environmental Engineering, Public Health Engineering
Mode of Selection: Written test/Interview for the Short listing candidates
Place of Posting: At any office of CPCB at Delhi, Lucknow & Kolkata or anywhere in India
Last date of receipt of complete application: 29.08.2014

Application Form: Available at www.cpcb.nic.in, the filled up application form along with the scanned documents is also acceptable through email to recruitment.cDcb@gmail.com till 5 PM on the closing dates. Incomplete application form shall not be considered.

Name of the post applied for must be superscribed on the envelope or mentioned in the subject line while submitting through email. Application should be sent to:
Administrative Officer (R)
Central Pollution Control Board
Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar
Shahdara, Delhi – 110032.
(Note: A valid email ID is compulsory)

[gview file=”http://www.cpcb.nic.in/upload/Jobs/Job_74_NGRBA_ADVT_SRFJRF.pdf” save=”1″]

Directorate of Oil Palm Research Walk-in – 2014

(Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Pedavegi-534 450, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh
Website: http://dopr.gov.in


Walk-in-Interview will be held at DOPR, Pedavegi, for the positions of Training Associate, SRFs and Contractual Persons sanctioned under various schemes.

S. No. Name of the post Number of vacancies Name of the Scheme Essential Qualifications Date of Interview
1 Training Associate One post Empowerment of stakeholders on Oil Palm Technologies Post Graduation in (Agriculture/Horticulture) specialization in Extension Education / Agronomy / Horticulture / Economics and related fields 22.07.14
Senior Research Fellow One post Use of video conferencing for Transfer of technology in Oil Palm MCA 22.07.14
Senior Research Fellow One post Multi location Evaluation of Tools and Machinery B.Tech in Agricultural / Mechanical Engineering with knowledge of computer / AutoCAD 22.07.14
Contractual Person One post -do- I.T.I. in Welder cum Fitter 22.07.14
Contractual Person One Post -do- Driving License in Lt / Heavy vehicles (Tractor) 22.07.14
Contractual Person One post Use of video conferencing for Transfer of technology in Oil Palm B. Sc in Agriculture / Horticulture 22.07.14
Contractu al Person One post Use of video conferencing for Transfer of technology in Oil Palm B.Sc in Electronics / Computers 22.07.14
Senior Research Fellow One Post Standardization of procedure for estimation of location specific water requirement in adult oil palm Post Graduation in Botany / Agriculture / Horticulture / Plant Sciences 23.07.14
Senior Research Fellow One Post Assessment of soil and leaf nutrient status in oil palm growing regions for location specific fertilizer recommendations Post Graduation in Agriculture / Chemistry / Bio-chemistry / Microbiology / Bio-technology 23.07.14
Senior Research Fellow One post Development of quality standards for planting materials in oil palm nursery Post Graduation in Botany / Agriculture / Horticulture/Plant Sciences. 31.07.14
Research Associate One post Hybrid Seed Production of Oil Palm (Seed Garden at Rajhamundry) Post graduation in Agriculture / Horticulture with specialization in Genetics & Plant Breeding / Seed Technology 31.07.14

Fellowship (consolidated): Rs. 23,000/- (Rs. 24,000/- for Ph.D. Degree holder) plus HRA as admissible for the post of Research Associate (SI.No. 11), Rs. 23,000/- plus HRA as admissible for the post of Training Associate (SI. No. 1), Rs. 16,000/- plus HRA as admissible for the post of Senior Research Fellows (SI. No. 2, 3, 8, 9 & 10), Rs. 6500/- as admissible for the post contractual persons (SI. No. 4 & 5), Rs.8000/ as admissible for the post of Contractual persons and of Contractual Person (SI.No. 6 & 7)

Place of Posting: Directorate of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi

Place of interview: Directorate of Oil Palm Research, Pedavegi -534 450, Near Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, West Godavari District, Eluru, A.P.

Date and time of Walk-in Interview: 22.07.2014 (Tuesday) at 10 A.M.; 23.07.2014 (Wednesday) at 10 A.M.; 31.07.2014 (Thursday at 10 A.M.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Age should be below 35 years for men and 40 years for women as on 01st July, 2014;
  2. The applicants must bring with them original certificates and a brief of research work carried earlier alongwith one set of photocopies of various testimonials;
  3. No objection certificate from the employer in case he/she is employed elsewhere;
  4. Experience certificate, in original, if any;
  5. The post will be upto 31st March, 2015 and is likely to continue upto March, 2017. The above position is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the project;
  6. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview;
  7. Candidates are advised to report at Directorate of Oil Palm Research, Near Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Pedavegi, positively by 09.30 A.M. on the date of interview for getting their certificates/testimonials verified before they are allowed for written test/interview.

[gview file=”http://dopr.gov.in/Announcements/WalkInInterviewforTA,SRFs&Contractual_17thJul2014.pdf” save=”1″]

Indian Institute of Natural Resins & Gums Recruitment of SRFs – 2014

iinrgNetwork Project on Conservation of Lac Insect Genetic Resources


Date and Time of interview: August 07, 2014, 14.00 hrs
Place of Interview: Lac Production Division, Indian Institute of Natural Resins & Gums, Namkum, Ranchi 834010

Senior Research Fellows* – (Molecular Biology / Economic Botany / Agro-Forestry / Pest Management
No. of Positions: Four
Essential Qualification: Master’s degree in Biotechnology / Molecular Biology / Botany / Zoology (Entomology) / Agricultural Entomology / Forestry / Life Sciences (with specialization in molecular biology / botany / plant physiology / biochemistry / plant pathology).
Desirable: (i) Experience in molecular biological techniques like DNA / RNA / Protein isolation, PCR, Gel Electrophoresis and Documentation; as evidenced by training undergone, published work etc.

(ii) Experience in morphometrics / histological / physiological / biochemical techniques like estimation of protein, amino acids, sugars etc. and statistical analysis; as evidenced by engagement, training undergone, published work etc.

(iii) Experience in pathological / histological / biochemical techniques like estimation of protein, amino acids, sugars etc. and statistical analysis; as evidenced by engagement, training undergone, published work etc.

(iv) Experience in pest management / slide preparation and statistical analysis; as evidenced by engagement, training undergone, published work etc.

Age limit: 35 years for men and 40 years for women.
Remuneration: Rs. 16,000 + HRA (as permissible) during I and II year; Rs. 18,000 + HRA (as permissible) during III year, per month
Job: To provide support in research and any other duty assigned to him / her by the Project Coordinator.
Nature: Contractual till March 2017 or conclusion of the project whichever is earlier, subject to satisfactory performance. Other benefits and conditions as per ICAR Guidelines

*Field of discipline shown is indicative only and is meant for wider participation. Both the positions may be filled from the same discipline also.Terms and Conditions

  • Candidates appearing for interview should bring two copies of their bio-data in the required format and original documents in support of their qualification, age, work experience, no objection Certificate from the employer in case of employed elsewhere etc. along with a set of photocopies of all the documents
  • The appointment is purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis; is co-terminus with the project and liable for termination at any time in case of unsatisfactory performance.
  • There is no provision of absorption / re-employment in ICAR / IINRG after termination of the time bound project.
  • No TA/DA is admissible for appearing in the interview and no separate letter for interview will be issued.

[gview file=”http://ilri.ernet.in/~iinrg/srf-kks.pdf” save=”1″]

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