UJVN Limited, Dehradun Recruitment of Assistant & Junior Engineers (Trainee) – 2015

ujvnlUJVN Limited, Dehradun
Advt. N0. /Rectt/01/2015-16

Online Applications for the Posts of Assistant Engineer (Trainee) (E&M)/(Civil) & Junior Engineer (Trainee) (E&M)/(Civil)

UJVN Limited, Dehradun is a wholly owned undertaking of the Government of Uttarakhand and is a professionally managed power development and generation utility. The UJVN Ltd is a self sustaining Utility and promises to be one amongst leading power companies of India.

UJVN Ltd. wishes to recruit candidates for following positions:-

S. No. Name of the Post & Pay Scale Code No. Branch Gen. S.C S.T. O.B.C. (NonĀ­ Creamy) Total Post
1 Assistant Engineer (Trainee) (E&M) Pay Band-3 Rs. 15600-39100, G.P. 5400 A-1 Electrical 20 03 01 05 29
A-2 Mechanical 14 03 02 19
A-3 Electronics 03 01 01 05
Total 37 07 01 08 53
2 Assistant Engineer (Trainee) (Civil) Pay Band- 3 Rs. 15600-39100, G.P. 5400 A-4 Civil 42 12 01 10 65
Total 118
3 Junior Engineer (Trainee) (E&M) Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800, G.P. 4200 J-1 Electrical 30 08 01 07 46
J-2 Mechanical 20 06 04 30
J-3 Electronics 03 01 01 05
Total 53 15 01 12 81
4 Junior Engineer (Trainee) (Civil) Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800, G.P. 4200 J-4 Civil 68 22 03 19 112
Total 193
Grand Total 200 56 06 49 311

Note: 15 posts of Junior Engineer (T) (E&M) & 38 posts of Junior Engineer (T) (Civil) are also included in the above advertised posts for Vyasi Project. The eligible land oustee of Vyasi Project as per GoU Notification No. 1229/I(2)/2013/05-104/2015 TC dated 28-06-2013 will be given preference for these posts.

No. of vacancies can increase / decrease.

  1. The UJVN Limited, reserves the right to cancel above advertisement fully or partially at any time without assigning any reason.
  2. The incomplete/incorrect application forms, without photograph, misleading information, without fee, without signature & without related documents or late receipt applications shall not be considered.
  3. For detailed advertisement, information & Application form, please visit website ujvnl.com & click at HR/Recruitment

HOW TO APPLY: Login to www.ujvnl.com under heading HR/Recruitment for detailed advertisement & instructions. As per advertisement & instructions interested eligible candidates can apply On-line from 01.07.2015 to 31.07.2015 and take a print-out of application, attach required documents & D.D. towards Examination Fee with this downloaded application form and send by speed/Registered post so as to reach on or before 10-08-2015 to the following address:

Co-ordinator (Exam. & Selection)
G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology
Lambert Square Guest House
Pantnagar 263145 U.S. Nagar (Uttarakhand)

Download the notification for complete details:
[gview file=”http://www.uttarakhandjalvidyut.com/mis/forthcoming/APRO.pdf” save=”1″]