Aarvee Associates recruitment for Sr. / Middle / Jr. management positions – 2018

Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Ravula Residency, Srinagar Colony Main Road, Hyderabad • 82, India.
Tel: +91-40-4848 3456; Fax: +91-40-2373 6277; web: www.aarvee.com

We are one of the leading engineering consulting firms in India, based at Hyderabad, having project offices at several locations in the country. We offer planning, design and supervision services in various sectors – Railways, MRTS, Highways, Irrigation, EWS, Buildings, Ports etc.

We require Diploma-holders / Graduates / Post-Graduates for Railway projects in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Bihar & Uttar Pradesh

Senior Management Position as Project Managers and Resident Engineers with 12-18 years of professional experience and Middle / Junior Management Position with the experience of 5-7 years in the fields of:
• Signaling & Telecommunication
• Over Head Equipment
• Bridges
• P. Way

Candidates can send their resumes with photograph, qualification and experience certificates within 21 days to jobs@aarvee.net

Note: Qualifying JE training from IRISET is essential to apply for Sr. Management or Middle Level management position in S&T.

AP Tourism Development Corporation Recruitment – 2014

aptdcA.P.T.D.C. is a State Owned Public Undertaking of the Government of Andhra Pradesh with its headquarters presently at Hyderabad. The Project Management Unit (PMU) wing of APTDC is responsible for development of Tourism Related Projects either by itself under the various programmes of the State and Central Governments or under Public Private Partnership mode.

Applications are invited for the following posts in the PMU wing of the Corporation.

1. Project Manager.
2. Architect.
3. Data Processing Officer

Post 1: MBA with a minimum experience of 5 years in the project management including conceptulisation of projects, market assessment, preparation of Feasibility Reports/Detailed Project Reports, assessment of technical feasibility and financial viability of the projects. Should also coordinate with the Consultant firms, if appointed, for the matters concerning projects.
Preference will be given to the applicant with B.Tech qualification.

Post 2: B.Arch.with a minimum experience of 3 years in the preparation of project related plans and designs. Should have full knowledge of the development control regulations of the concerned local bodies. Preference will be given to the applicant with AUTO CAD and PRIMAVEERA Background.

Post 3: Graduate with I.T knowledge with a minimum experience of two years. The CV must contain the all inclusive remuneration expected (Mobile minimum charges will be reimbursed) and are negotiable, Email address, Mobile No. and the name and address of the previous employer and the contact person.

The Application along with CV may be sent by email to “andhraprojects@gmail.com” on or before 25th August 2014 and the originals of the same including the copies of the relevant certificates of qualifications and experience. Original certificates are to be produced for verification at the time of interview.
The posts are temporary and will be filled on contract basis for a minimum period of 3 years subject to exigencies of work. Last date for submission of Application along with CV is 25th August 2014.

There will be a personal interview at the office of the Corporation, Tourism House, No. 3-5-891, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad 500 029 (Near Telugu Academy), and the date and time will be communicated by Email and phone.

[gview file=”http://aptourism.gov.in/images/notifications/aptdc/APTDC-PMU-Advt_-_070814.pdf” save=”1″]

Kanakadhara Ventures recruitment of Infrasture Personnel – 2014

kanakadharaKanakadhara Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad. Ph. No. 040-44543030

A very fast growing multi-location Construction & Infrastructure company having Central & State Government projects, URGENTLY requires the following positions for ongoing projects in Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Vizag, Bhimavaram & Bangalore.

HEAD OF OPERATIONS: B.Tech./M.Tech. having experience of 22 – 25 years in infrastructure industry at Senior Position (Location • Hyderabad).
GM-F&A: CA with minimum 15 years Experience in infrastructure industry (Location • Hyderabad).
GM-HR: MBA with minimum 15 years Experience in infrastructure Industry (Location • Hyderabad).
PROJECT MANAGER: BE /B.Tech. 10-15 years Experience with minimum 5 years Experience as Project Monger in infrastructure industry.
CIVIL ENGINEER: B.E./B.Tech. with 5-10 years Experience in Hospitals/ High Raise Buildings/Commercial Complex.
MANAGER M.E.P: B.E./B.Tech. (Electrical/Mechanical) with 6-8 years experience on Execution of MEP works in infrastructure industry.
ENGINEER (ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL): B.E./B.Tech. (Electrical/Mechanical) with 3-5 years experience in Execution of MEP works in infrastructure industry.
QUANTITY SURVEYOR (CIVIL & ELEC / MECH): B.E./B.Tech. with 5-7 years experience in Billing and Quantity Surveying in Govt./CPWD projects.

Experience in construction of Hospitals and Hotels will be an added advantage. Salary will be commensurate with Competency & Experience.

Interested candidates may apply within one week to the following e-mail address: info@kanakadharaventures.com

EMC Limited Recruiting Technical Personnel-Construction (Transmission & Distribution)

EMC Ltd. a high growth construction company with a turnover of Rs 906 crores (10-11) in the Power Transmission and Electrical Sub-Stations/EBOP invites applications from high energy technical personnel for its project execution and design engineering requirements

Sub Station Projects

1. General Manager / Dy Gen Manager / Manager Sr. Engineers(projects, Construction & Engineering.)
Graduates in Electrical & Civil Engineering with 7-25 years of experience in 765/400/220kv Sub Station Projects construction Engineering and Design.

2. Site Commercial/Accounts Managers & Accounts/Stores Officers
Graduates/Post Graduates in Commerce or ICWA with 5-15 years of experience in Industry and/or Public Utility projects in relevant ftjnction.

3. Safety / Quality Managers / Engineers

Graduates/Diploma holders in Mechanical/Electrical with at least 5 years in construction projects in the field of which two years in safety/ quality.

Transmission Line Projects

1. Dy Gen Manager/Project Manager
Graduates in Electrical/Civil Engineering with10-15 years of experience in Transmission Line projects.

2. Field Quality Plan/Safety Engineers
Graduates/Diploma holders in Mechanical/Electrical with at least 5years in construction projects in the field of which two years in safety. Designation, Salary and benefits will be commensurate with qualifications and experience

How To Apply:
Interested candidates can send their application to “The Manager – HR, EMC Limited, 51 Canal East Road, Kolkata 700085” within 15 days.

We plan to conduct interviews in Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Ahmadabad and Mumbai for these positions. If you meet the criteria send a mail along with CV referring to this advertisement mentioning the city of your choice for interviews to hrd@emcpower.com within 10 days and we will inform you on the date and venue.

Visit EML website click here

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