IIT Bombay Special Recruitment Dirve for PwDs – 2016

Advertisement No. Rect/Admn-II/2015/9

Special Recruitment Drive for Persons with Disabilities

Online applications are invited for the following posts.General Information:

S.No. Post Details No. of posts and category Qualification and Experience
1 Job Ref. No : Job/117

Jr. Administrative Assistant

Pay Band: 5200-20200(PB-1) Grade Pay: 2000

Appt Type: On Contract for a period of 3 years

On successful completion of contract period of 3 years, employee will be eligible for placement with grade pay of Rs.2400/- in a substantive post subject to assessment.

Age Limit: 2 7 yrs

Application mode: Online

8 (UR)

Reserved for 5 VH, 2 HH & 1 OH


Essential Qualification:

Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline

2 Job Ref. No : Job/118

Administrative Superintendent

Pay Band: 9300-34800(PB-2) Grade Pay: 4200

Appt Type: On Contract for a period of 3 years

On successful completion of contract period of 3 years, employee will be eligible for placement with grade pay of Rs.4600/- in a substantive post subject to assessment.

Age Limit: 32 yrs

Application mode: Online

4 (1 SC, 1 ST, 2 UR)

Reserved for 1 HH & 3 VH

Essential Qualification:

Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with relevant experience of four years after the qualifying degree. For applicants with Master’s degree, normal duration of Masters programme would be counted towards experience.

3 Job Ref. No : Job/120

Jr. Engineer

Pay Band: 9300-34800(PB-2)

Grade Pay: 4200

Appt Type: On Contract for a

period of 3 years

On successful completion of contract period of 3 years, employee will be eligible for placement with grade pay of Rs.4600/- in a substantive post subject to assessment.

Age Limit: 32 yrs

Application mode: Online

1 (OBC)

Reserved for HH

Essential Qualification:

B.E. or B.Tech. or equivalent degree in Civil

Engineering with 1 year experience in

construction and maintenance of buildings,

roads, water supply, drainage works, etc. after completion of the degree. Appllicants with

integrated M.Tech. / M.E. degree will also be



3-year Diploma in Engineering in Civil Engineering with 6 years experience in construction and maintenance of buildings, roads, water supply, drainage works, etc. after completion of the Diploma.

Computer proficiency is desirable.

4 Job Ref. No : Job/121

Jr. Mechanic

Pay Band: 5200-20200(PB-1)

Grade Pay: 2000

Appt Type: On Contract for a period of 3 years

On successful completion of contract period of 3 years, employee will be eligible for placement with grade pay of Rs. 2400/- in a substantive


subject to assessment.

Age Limit: 2 7 yrs

Application mode: Online

3 (2 OBC, 1 UR)

Reserved for HH

Essential Qualification:

3-year Diploma in Engineering in any discipline with relevant experience of two

years after the diploma.


ITI in any trade with relevant experience of five years after the ITI certificate.

General Information:

  1. All posts are reserved for PwDs.
  2. The upper age-limit for persons with disabilities shall be relaxable by 10 years (15 years for SCs/STs and 13 years for OBC)
  3. PwDs are exempted from the payments of application fee and examination fee.
  4. Only such person who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability, would be eligible for reservation. Candidate has to submit relevant disability certificate as prescribed under PwD Act, 1995.
  5. Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PwDs must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in GoI orders. They should also be in possession of the certificates in the format prescribed by GoI in support of their claim at the time of application.
  6. Entry level appointments by direct recruitment in all group would be initially made on a 3- year contract. Their performance shall be assessed before the expiry of contract and only those found suitable will be offered a substantive post, with Grade Pay of Rs.2400 / 4600 as case may be, after completion of three years’ service on contract. Appointment of staff members on contract who are not found suitable for substantive post shall be terminated on completion of the contract period.
  7. Hard copy of the applications with full particulars superscribing envelope with Advertisement No. and Job No. and the post applied for along with copies of certificates/testimonials, caste (in case of OBC, latest non-creamy layer certificate is essential) etc should reach the undersigned on or before the last date.

For applying, visit the website http://www.iitb.ac.in/en/careers/staff-recruitment

Candidates possessing the requisite qualification and experience may apply online only. Last date of closing the online application interface is 31/03/2016. Printout of online applications along with copies of self-attested certificates and other documents must reach the Registrar, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai – 400076 on or before 07/04/2016 by 5.45 PM.

Download the notification for complete details:
[gview file=”http://www.iitb.ac.in/sites/default/files/jobs/2016-02/Detailed_Advt_0.pdf” save=”1″]