National Seeds Corporation Recruitment of Consultants & Technical Assistants – 2014

Government of India, Deptt. of Agri., & Coop
(Oil Seeds Division)

For engagement of Consultant / Technical Assistants under National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) on contract basis on payment of fixed honorium.

(i)  Four(4) Consultants
Qualifications & Experience: Doctorate degree in Agronomy/Agriculture Extension/Plant Breeding including Agril. Botany with minimum 15 years of field experience in production/improvement of oilseed crops including oil palm under ICAR, SAUs/ Institute/ DAC or retired Officers of DAC with Grade pay of Rs. 8700/- or equivalent for 5 years or more.
Age: Maximum age limit upto 70 years.

(ii)  Five (5) Technical Assistant
Qualifications & Experience: Master degree in Agronomy/Agriculture Extension/Plant Breeding including Agril. Botany or any field of Agriculture or related fields. Proficiency in computer knowledge like MS- Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet etc. Persons with experience of research, extensions and crop development will be given preference.
Age: Maximum age limit upto 70 years.

Consultants/Technical Assistants will be engaged on full time basis, initially for a period of one year extendable on yearly basis for another two years subject to their performance.

Interested candidates may apply in the prescribed format by hand/or through post to Manager (Human Resources), National Seeds Corporation Limited, Beej Bhavan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi- 110012 by 14.04.2014.

Download the notification for full details:
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Malaviya National Institute Of Technology, Jaipur Notification for Consultant/OSD

Malaviya National Institute Of Technology( MNIT ), Jaipur invites applications from Indian nationals, possessing excellent academic background, experience in Administration/Financial matters, Training, Recruitment Rules, other administrative and legal matters for the position of Consultant/OSD (on contract basis) at Secretariat NIT Council, New Delhi. Complete details about the position is available at

Application Form:

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