Konkan Railway Corporation Recruitment for Land-Loser Candidates – 2014


Applications are invited from eligible land loser candidates (Self / Sons / Spouse / Unmarried daughters / Grandsons / Unmarried Granddaughters only) whose land has been acquired for Konkan Railway project, irrespective of the percentage of land lost, for various categories in various departments in Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd. (KRCL):

S. No. Name of the post Pay Scale GEN OBC SC ST Total
1 Trackmen PB-1, Rs. 5200-20200 in GP Rs. 1800/- 38 0 8 4 50
2 Station House Keeper Helpers (SHKH) PB-1, Rs. 5200-20200 in GP Rs. 1800/- 15 8 5 2 30

Note: Only one application will be accepted. You have to mention your priority in the Application form. Priority in recruitment will be given based on marks obtained and merit order in the written examination and Medical Category.

* The vacancies mentioned above may vary as per the discretion of KRCL and may not be intimated to the candidates.

1. Eligibility Criteria
i)     Land losers whose land has been acquired for Konkan Railway line Project (Self / Sons / Spouse / Unmarried daughters / Grandsons/ Unmarried Granddaughters only) are eligible. *Only one candidate per land acquisition (irrespective of family) is eligible. In case of SC/ST candidates, there is no such limit of number per land acquisition.
ii)    Employees serving in KRCL are not eligible to apply.

2. Educational Qualification: Minimum 10th pass from the Recognized State Level Education Board, or ITI or equivalent or above.

3. Age
The candidates should be within the age group of 18 years (minimum) and 33 years (maximum) as on 01/01/2015 with 3 years Upper age relaxation for OBC and 5 years Upper Age relaxation for SC/ST candidates.

4. Job Description
Trackmen: The job of Trackman mostly involves outdoor duties for railway track and railway related equipment’s operation and maintenance. For this job, he has to pass the required training and perform his duty with his mental and physical strength. In addition to keeping proper records, performing physical work, he has also to walk several kilometers daily. He has to lift heavy material and walk carrying these in work area. The working hours may be in day or night or both. In addition to the above, any other works may also be allotted to him by the administration from time to time.

Station House Keeper Helper (SHKH): Further, some jobs also involve cleaning of washrooms, cleaning of all areas of station including outside premises and stair case and cleaning of track with broom and wet mop, garbage disposal and trash to be emptied frequently every day etc.,

Female candidates may kindly note that the category involves duties which are arduous in nature and call for working in shifts on railway station at odd hours, at road side station and also away from headquarters.

The minimum qualification prescribed for employment is 10th pass from the recognized State Level Board, ITI or equivalent or above. Hence, the candidates who possess higher educational qualification other than that mentioned above should read the job description carefully and exercise their option please.

Prescribed application forms may be collected from the office of KRCL at Belapur, Ratnagiri, Madgaon, Karwar & Station Masters of Konkan Railway stations. It can also be down loaded from the Konkan Railway website, candidates should ensure that they see the instructions, eligibility and other details may be seen on www.konkanrailway.com under the link Departments-> Vacancy ->Current- >Notifications. Applications completed in all respects along with enclosures and clearly mentioning the above Notification No. and Post applied for should reach this office at Belapur Bhavan, Sec-11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai on or before 17.30 hours of 04/09/2014.

[gview file=”http://www.konkanrailway.com/sites/default/files/Notificattion_GroupD2_3.pdf” save=”1″]